Charles Town Entries (01/18/2025)
See all Charles Town entries for races this Saturday, 01/18/2025
R1 - Race 1 - Claiming
8F 110Y
Past Performances
Horse (Post Pos) | Rating The official handicap rating for the horse. | Career The career record for the horse. Total starts: Wins, Places, Show. | Last 6 Result Finishing position for the horse’s last six races. | Prize Money Total prizemoney won by the horse. | Win The percentage of races that a horse has run in, that it has won. | Place The percentage of races that a horse has run in, that it has placed. | Show The percentage of races that a horse has run in, that it has showed. | Odds |
1st 4.Hurricane Alert (4) T: R. Brown J: O. Bocachica (122lbs) | 81 | 14: 5-1-0 | 614420 | $37K | 36% | 43% | 43% | 4-1 |
2nd 5.Subject To Change (5) T: T. Spriggs J: C. Maldonado (120lbs) | 89 | 34: 3-7-5 | 484176 | $47K | 9% | 29% | 44% | 20-1 |
3rd 3.Top Of The Mint (3) T: M. Jones J: M. Chilo (122lbs) | 76 | 21: 3-2-4 | 352535 | $28K | 14% | 24% | 43% | 20-1 |
4th 6.Timely Prospect (6) T: B. Russell J: A. Bocachica (122lbs) | 98 | 12: 4-6-0 | 12x1x2 | $63K | 33% | 83% | 83% | 3-5 |
5th 8.Home School (8) T: J. Mario J: J. Jr (122lbs) | 79 | 34: 4-8-4 | 18269x | $79K | 12% | 35% | 47% | 12-1 |
6th 2.Yo Nessroundonkern (2) T: M. Jones J: J. Acosta (122lbs) | 72 | 30: 3-2-1 | 815728 | $28K | 10% | 17% | 20% | 20-1 |
7th 1.Leo And Royal (1) T: K. Knudsen J: A. Mawing (122lbs) | 88 | 17: 5-2-1 | 625415 | $54K | 29% | 41% | 47% | 9-2 |
8th 7.Indimaaj (7) T: K. Knudsen J: D. Thorpe (122lbs) | 81 | 15: 2-2-2 | 447617 | $8.4K | 13% | 27% | 40% | 15-1 |
R2 - Race 2 - Maiden Special Weight
Past Performances
Horse (Post Pos) | Rating The official handicap rating for the horse. | Career The career record for the horse. Total starts: Wins, Places, Show. | Last 6 Result Finishing position for the horse’s last six races. | Prize Money Total prizemoney won by the horse. | Win The percentage of races that a horse has run in, that it has won. | Place The percentage of races that a horse has run in, that it has placed. | Show The percentage of races that a horse has run in, that it has showed. | Odds |
1st 8.Fell In Love (8) T: J. Runco J: A. Bocachica (122lbs) | 71 | 1: 0-0-0 | 4 | - | 0% | 0% | 0% | 6-5 |
2nd 6.Keep Shining On Us (6) T: K. Petty J: G. Larrosa (122lbs) | 55 | 6: 0-0-1 | 555463 | - | 0% | 0% | 17% | 5-1 |
3rd 1.Poppy Mac (1) T: R. Sigler J: R. Latchman (122lbs) | 56 | 8: 0-1-2 | 843832 | $1.8K | 0% | 13% | 38% | 5-2 |
4th 5.Butterfly Effect (5) T: R. Brown J: J. Lewis (122lbs) | 47 | 1: 0-0-0 | 6 | - | 0% | 0% | 0% | 20-1 |
5th 2.Saronic Bay (2) T: R. Brown J: O. Bocachica (122lbs) | 53 | 1: 0-0-0 | 5 | - | 0% | 0% | 0% | 12-1 |
6th 7.Alice's Moon (7) T: I. Ollie J: C. Maldonado (122lbs) | 69 | 6: 0-1-0 | 462644 | $17K | 0% | 17% | 17% | 6-1 |
7th 3.Golden Plunge (3) T: M. Atkins J: D. Araujo (122lbs) | 28 | 3: 0-0-0 | 878 | - | 0% | 0% | 0% | 30-1 |
8th 4.Ruby Bay (4) T: M. Jones J: J. Acosta (122lbs) | 58 | 1: 0-0-0 | 5 | - | 0% | 0% | 0% | 15-1 |
R3 - Race 3 - Allowance Optional Claiming
Past Performances
Horse (Post Pos) | Rating The official handicap rating for the horse. | Career The career record for the horse. Total starts: Wins, Places, Show. | Last 6 Result Finishing position for the horse’s last six races. | Prize Money Total prizemoney won by the horse. | Win The percentage of races that a horse has run in, that it has won. | Place The percentage of races that a horse has run in, that it has placed. | Show The percentage of races that a horse has run in, that it has showed. | Odds |
1st 7.Jungle Beast (7) T: J. Contreras J: R. Latchman (120lbs) | 92 | 23: 1-6-2 | 776682 | $5.1K | 4% | 30% | 39% | 8-1 |
2nd 2.Sarah's Candy Camp (2) T: S. Murdock J: A. Bocachica (120lbs) | 93 | 13: 7-1-2 | 111171 | $69K | 54% | 62% | 77% | 7-2 |
3rd 1.Xcellent Start (1) T: M. Jones J: J. Acosta (120lbs) | 97 | 25: 7-8-0 | 251461 | $85K | 28% | 60% | 60% | 3-1 |
4th 4.Bubba Grump (4) T: J. Contreras J: M. Mendez (120lbs) | 89 | 19: 3-0-4 | 91x343 | $38K | 16% | 16% | 37% | 6-1 |
5th 5.Logstradamus (5) T: E. Meehan J: J. Nunez (120lbs) | 89 | 17: 3-4-5 | 42332x | $39K | 18% | 41% | 71% | 6-1 |
6th 6.Fancy Concho (6) T: T. Grams J: L. Reynolds (120lbs) | 94 | 21: 1-6-5 | x52346 | $26K | 5% | 33% | 57% | 9-2 |
7th 3.No Love For Juba (3) T: R. Sigler J: A. Bocachica (120lbs) | 89 | 19: 5-3-3 | 12456x | $67K | 26% | 42% | 58% | 4-1 |
R4 - Race 4 - Maiden Claiming
Past Performances
Horse (Post Pos) | Rating The official handicap rating for the horse. | Career The career record for the horse. Total starts: Wins, Places, Show. | Last 6 Result Finishing position for the horse’s last six races. | Prize Money Total prizemoney won by the horse. | Win The percentage of races that a horse has run in, that it has won. | Place The percentage of races that a horse has run in, that it has placed. | Show The percentage of races that a horse has run in, that it has showed. | Odds |
1st 9.El Morito (9) T: M. Mangual J: A. Cruz (123lbs) | 57 | 6: 0-1-1 | 455632 | $3.2K | 0% | 17% | 33% | 7-5 |
2nd 7.Humorous (7) T: C. Mckee J: A. Bocachica (118lbs) | - | 1: 0-0-0 | 7x | - | 0% | 0% | 0% | 15-1 |
3rd 3.Rip N Roll (3) T: T. Wilhelm J: J. Nunez (123lbs) | 58 | 9: 1-1-2 | x3x566 | - | 11% | 22% | 44% | 8-5 |
4th 2.Best Hop Is A Drop (2) T: M. Atkins J: A. Radcliffe (123lbs) | 42 | 8: 0-0-1 | 693664 | $1.3K | 0% | 0% | 13% | 12-1 |
5th 6.Dadio (6) T: J. Hess J: A. Espinoza (118lbs) | - | 1: 0-0-0 | 7 | - | 0% | 0% | 0% | 20-1 |
6th 5.Midnight Stroller (5) T: J. Shuler J: L. Batista (123lbs) | 38 | 9: 0-1-2 | 3663x2 | $4.4K | 0% | 11% | 33% | 5-1 |
7th 1.Pretty Castle (1) T: K. Boykins J: V. Rodriguez (119lbs) | 30 | 20: 0-1-0 | x68x68 | - | 0% | 5% | 5% | 50-1 |
8th 8.Spiritual Horizons (8) T: W. Straughn J: J. Lewis (122lbs) | - | 0: 0-0-0 | - | - | 0% | 0% | 0% | 15-1 |
9th 10.John's Glory (10) T: T. Mawing J: A. Mawing (123lbs) | 104 | 4: 0-0-1 | 38x0x9 | $2.7K | 0% | 0% | 25% | 30-1 |
10th 4.Gambling Fever (4) T: R. Rangel J: J. Hernandez (123lbs) | 28 | 9: 0-0-0 | 677x69 | $4.1K | 0% | 0% | 0% | 30-1 |
R5 - Race 5 - Claiming
Past Performances
Horse (Post Pos) | Rating The official handicap rating for the horse. | Career The career record for the horse. Total starts: Wins, Places, Show. | Last 6 Result Finishing position for the horse’s last six races. | Prize Money Total prizemoney won by the horse. | Win The percentage of races that a horse has run in, that it has won. | Place The percentage of races that a horse has run in, that it has placed. | Show The percentage of races that a horse has run in, that it has showed. | Odds |
1st 8.Graft (8) T: D. Siculietano J: J. Gonzalez (122lbs) | 70 | 8: 1-0-0 | 41859x | $20K | 13% | 13% | 13% | 20-1 |
2nd 7.Voodoo Devil (7) T: K. Knudsen J: D. Thorpe (122lbs) | 61 | 6: 1-0-1 | 3x7157 | $13K | 17% | 17% | 33% | 15-1 |
3rd 9.Orange Juice (9) T: S. Viands J: J. Lewis (122lbs) | 76 | 10: 0-1-2 | 434374 | $15K | 0% | 10% | 30% | 6-1 |
4th 2.The Heights (2) T: J. Mario J: J. Jr (122lbs) | 80 | 16: 1-4-3 | 22x943 | $24K | 6% | 31% | 50% | 3-1 |
5th 1.Ramsey (1) T: K. Joy J: A. Stanley (122lbs) | 75 | 21: 1-7-4 | 123562 | $42K | 5% | 38% | 57% | 9-2 |
6th 5.William's Cause (5) T: M. Jones J: M. Chilo (122lbs) | 68 | 22: 1-1-1 | x1x56x | $11K | 5% | 9% | 14% | 20-1 |
7th 4.Allied Attack (4) T: K. Joy J: V. Rodriguez (122lbs) | 67 | 13: 1-1-3 | 966432 | $69K | 8% | 15% | 38% | 5-1 |
8th 3.Run Rocky Run (3) T: J. Adorno J: M. Mendez (120lbs) | 73 | 20: 1-6-2 | 436312 | $23K | 5% | 35% | 45% | 12-1 |
6.Tour Guide (6) T: A. Farrior J: A. Bocachica (122lbs) | 60 | 2: 1-0-0 | 8x1x | $32K | 50% | 50% | 50% | 5-2 |
R6 - Race 6 - Maiden Special Weight
Past Performances
Horse (Post Pos) | Rating The official handicap rating for the horse. | Career The career record for the horse. Total starts: Wins, Places, Show. | Last 6 Result Finishing position for the horse’s last six races. | Prize Money Total prizemoney won by the horse. | Win The percentage of races that a horse has run in, that it has won. | Place The percentage of races that a horse has run in, that it has placed. | Show The percentage of races that a horse has run in, that it has showed. | Odds |
1st 1.Cano's Baby (1) T: R. Pennella J: M. Chilo (123lbs) | 47 | 6: 0-1-1 | 7639x2 | $7.6K | 0% | 17% | 33% | 15-1 |
2nd 5.Ghostly Leo (5) T: K. Gazzier J: D. Araujo (123lbs) | 66 | 9: 0-1-3 | 3368x2 | $8.1K | 0% | 11% | 44% | 3-1 |
3rd 3.Shook Me All Night (3) T: L. Perry J: F. Peltroche (123lbs) | 58 | 8: 0-1-1 | 635652 | $10K | 0% | 13% | 25% | 5-2 |
4th 4.Pedal To The Moon (4) T: J. Pyke J: C. Hiraldo (123lbs) | 48 | 8: 0-0-1 | 764637 | $929 | 0% | 0% | 13% | 20-1 |
5th 6.Megs Golden Boy (6) T: K. Boykins J: L. Batista (123lbs) | 62 | 13: 0-2-3 | 546373 | $15K | 0% | 15% | 38% | 10-1 |
6th 7.Paint The Alley (7) T: A. Gomez J: G. Larrosa (116lbs) | 58 | 1: 0-0-0 | 8 | - | 0% | 0% | 0% | 15-1 |
7th 2.Union Branch (2) T: J. Shuler J: W. Ho (116lbs) | - | 0: 0-0-0 | - | - | 0% | 0% | 0% | 15-1 |
8th 8.Grandpa Joe (8) T: A. Craig J: D. Thorpe (123lbs) | 61 | 6: 0-2-0 | 62x285 | $2.7K | 0% | 33% | 33% | 9-2 |
9th 9.Mason Alexander (9) T: I. Barahona J: A. Espinoza (123lbs) | 76 | 4: 0-0-0 | 8898 | - | 0% | 0% | 0% | 50-1 |
10.Abolitionist (10) T: R. Brown J: C. Maldonado (116lbs) | - | 0: 0-0-0 | - | - | 0% | 0% | 0% | 7-2 |
11.Bold Desert (11) T: D. Johnson J: M. Chilo (116lbs) | 65 | 6: 0-1-2 | 368325 | $11K | 0% | 17% | 50% | 5-1 |
R7 - Race 7 - Claiming
Past Performances
Horse (Post Pos) | Rating The official handicap rating for the horse. | Career The career record for the horse. Total starts: Wins, Places, Show. | Last 6 Result Finishing position for the horse’s last six races. | Prize Money Total prizemoney won by the horse. | Win The percentage of races that a horse has run in, that it has won. | Place The percentage of races that a horse has run in, that it has placed. | Show The percentage of races that a horse has run in, that it has showed. | Odds |
1st 2.Breaking Rules (2) T: M. Jones J: J. Acosta (123lbs) | 66 | 11: 3-1-1 | 111246 | $15K | 27% | 36% | 45% | 6-1 |
2nd 8.Will Or Won't (8) T: T. Kreiser J: C. Lopez (122lbs) | 50 | 18: 4-0-4 | 658x37 | $43K | 22% | 22% | 44% | 15-1 |
3rd 1.Kaz Music (1) T: A. Albright J: C. Hiraldo (122lbs) | 82 | 25: 5-5-4 | 453535 | $44K | 20% | 40% | 56% | 7-2 |
4th 3.Best Virginia (3) T: R. Brown J: J. Lewis (120lbs) | 71 | 25: 7-4-3 | 034541 | $31K | 28% | 44% | 56% | 8-1 |
5th 10.Catch The Kitten (10) T: C. Keil J: A. Bocachica (122lbs) | 75 | 25: 4-4-4 | 666616 | $43K | 16% | 32% | 48% | 6-1 |
6th 5.My Jo Jo (5) T: T. Iannotti J: A. Bocachica (122lbs) | 66 | 24: 3-3-3 | 523441 | $19K | 13% | 25% | 38% | 15-1 |
7th 6.Party Monster (6) T: T. Iannotti J: W. Ho (123lbs) | 69 | 30: 3-1-5 | 393311 | $24K | 10% | 13% | 30% | 4-1 |
8th 9.Cricket West (9) T: J. Morzan J: S. Gomocio (120lbs) | 65 | 29: 5-3-2 | 675655 | $6K | 17% | 28% | 34% | 20-1 |
9th 4.Moon Me Again (4) T: J. Gilbert J: K. Gilbert (123lbs) | 68 | 25: 4-5-7 | 611336 | $22K | 16% | 36% | 64% | 8-1 |
10th 7.Mo Traffic (7) T: F. Stites J: D. Thorpe (123lbs) | 71 | 14: 3-4-1 | 344221 | $20K | 21% | 50% | 57% | 9-2 |
R8 - Race 8 - Allowance
Past Performances
Horse (Post Pos) | Rating The official handicap rating for the horse. | Career The career record for the horse. Total starts: Wins, Places, Show. | Last 6 Result Finishing position for the horse’s last six races. | Prize Money Total prizemoney won by the horse. | Win The percentage of races that a horse has run in, that it has won. | Place The percentage of races that a horse has run in, that it has placed. | Show The percentage of races that a horse has run in, that it has showed. | Odds |
1st 2.Moonlit Notion (2) T: T. Grams J: L. Reynolds (116lbs) | 89 | 1: 1-0-0 | 1x | - | 100% | 100% | 100% | 1-1 |
2nd 3.Yankee Doodle Kid (3) T: R. Brown J: J. Lewis (118lbs) | 78 | 1: 1-0-0 | 1 | - | 100% | 100% | 100% | 6-1 |
3rd 6.Show Time Allen (6) T: G. Harrison J: A. Radcliffe (120lbs) | 82 | 6: 1-0-1 | 130546 | $21K | 17% | 17% | 33% | 12-1 |
4th 7.Romantic Warrior (7) T: W. Lewis J: G. Larrosa (120lbs) | 76 | 7: 1-3-0 | 422217 | $19K | 14% | 57% | 57% | 9-2 |
5th 4.Cedar Runs Fiber (4) T: K. Boykins J: V. Rodriguez (123lbs) | 56 | 13: 1-3-0 | 292241 | $41K | 8% | 31% | 31% | 15-1 |
6th 1.Bold Rock (1) T: I. Ollie J: C. Maldonado (116lbs) | 79 | 8: 1-3-2 | 822213 | $46K | 13% | 50% | 75% | 10-1 |
7th 5.Majesty's Cowboy (5) T: J. Shuler J: L. Batista (120lbs) | 52 | 8: 1-1-1 | 3216x6 | $15K | 13% | 25% | 38% | 30-1 |
8th 10.Shuffle (10) T: J. Rofe J: C. Hiraldo (120lbs) | 62 | 11: 1-1-0 | 06x21x | $20K | 9% | 18% | 18% | 10-1 |
8.Harley Sioux (8) T: W. Straughn J: J. Nunez (120lbs) | 71 | 18: 1-7-2 | x2128x | $59K | 6% | 44% | 56% | 15-1 |
9.Stormin' Runner (9) T: A. Lucas J: M. Chilo (116lbs) | 68 | 4: 1-1-0 | 5421x | $10K | 25% | 50% | 50% | 15-1 |
R9 - Race 9 - Claiming
Past Performances
Horse (Post Pos) | Rating The official handicap rating for the horse. | Career The career record for the horse. Total starts: Wins, Places, Show. | Last 6 Result Finishing position for the horse’s last six races. | Prize Money Total prizemoney won by the horse. | Win The percentage of races that a horse has run in, that it has won. | Place The percentage of races that a horse has run in, that it has placed. | Show The percentage of races that a horse has run in, that it has showed. | Odds |
1st 3.Overly Critical (3) T: M. Jones J: J. Acosta (122lbs) | 92 | 27: 10-6-4 | 275423 | $108K | 37% | 59% | 74% | 6-5 |
2nd 5.Qualifly (5) T: W. Sanderson J: V. Rodriguez (122lbs) | 83 | 12: 4-1-1 | 1116x9 | $29K | 33% | 42% | 50% | 6-1 |
3rd 8.Papi On Ice (8) T: A. Hillegass J: D. Thorpe (123lbs) | 72 | 34: 3-5-4 | 362641 | $19K | 9% | 24% | 35% | 12-1 |
4th 6.Auburn Mill (6) T: J. Adorno J: M. Mendez (122lbs) | 74 | 34: 7-6-5 | 395755 | $35K | 21% | 38% | 53% | 12-1 |
1.Khaki Jack (1) T: A. Aguirre J: W. Ho (123lbs) | 68 | 17: 3-4-0 | 4612x9 | $13K | 18% | 41% | 41% | 5-1 |
2.Smooth Rico (2) T: D. Johnson J: M. Chilo (122lbs) | 78 | 31: 5-3-4 | 56x694 | $33K | 16% | 26% | 39% | 15-1 |
4.Tapio (4) T: S. Viands J: C. Maldonado (120lbs) | 80 | 21: 4-1-3 | x386x7 | $21K | 19% | 24% | 38% | 20-1 |
7.Readyseekgo (7) T: M. Knoblauch J: A. Radcliffe (123lbs) | 84 | 29: 4-2-5 | 533415 | $7.5K | 14% | 21% | 38% | 8-1 |
9.Hendrix (9) T: R. Fiesman J: J. Hernandez (122lbs) | 72 | 16: 2-3-3 | 583724 | $11K | 13% | 31% | 50% | 15-1 |
10.Battle Of Bastogne (10) T: N. Bailon J: A. Bocachica (123lbs) | 76 | 17: 3-1-0 | 580718 | $16K | 18% | 24% | 24% | 10-1 |
11.Ragtime Riches (11) T: R. Gillespie J: O. Bocachica (122lbs) | 77 | 28: 4-4-5 | 456754 | $41K | 14% | 29% | 46% | 15-1 |
12.Rebelde (12) T: A. Farrior J: A. Bocachica (123lbs) | 78 | 25: 7-3-2 | 78x182 | $12K | 28% | 40% | 48% | 9-2 |
13.Mon Gateau (13) T: R. Brown J: C. Hiraldo (122lbs) | 76 | 21: 3-3-5 | 219469 | $25K | 14% | 29% | 52% | 8-1 |
14.Bonnie Bill (14) T: T. Shanley J: A. Radcliffe (122lbs) | 80 | 26: 3-2-3 | 340576 | $15K | 12% | 19% | 31% | 20-1 |