Mombetsu Entries (10/31/2024)
See all Mombetsu entries for races this Thursday, 10/31/2024
R1 - Race 1 (Cond)
Past Performances
Horse (Post Pos) | Rating The official handicap rating for the horse. | Career The career record for the horse. Total starts: Wins, Places, Show. | Last 6 Result Finishing position for the horse’s last six races. | Prize Money Total prizemoney won by the horse. | Win The percentage of races that a horse has run in, that it has won. | Place The percentage of races that a horse has run in, that it has placed. | Show The percentage of races that a horse has run in, that it has showed. | Odds |
1st 7.Majestical (7) T: S. Tanaka J: G. Banno (123lbs) | - | 1: 0-0-0 | 7x | - | 0% | 0% | 0% | N/A |
2nd 8.Wild Tulip (8) T: H. Kawashima J: F. Ono (121lbs) | - | 9: 0-0-0 | 706568 | $461 | 0% | 0% | 0% | N/A |
3rd 11.Sanyo Stardom (11) T: K. Yamada J: S. Matsui (123lbs) | - | 7: 0-0-1 | 987863 | $695 | 0% | 0% | 14% | N/A |
4th 6.Schon Nova (6) T: K. Himori J: R. Fujita (115lbs) | - | 5: 0-0-1 | 69934 | $1.2K | 0% | 0% | 20% | N/A |
5th 3.Sweet Candy (3) T: T. Ishimoto J: Y. Miyauchi (119lbs) | - | 6: 0-0-1 | 844397 | $1.6K | 0% | 0% | 17% | N/A |
6th 12.Vivien One (12) T: M. Saito J: Y. Ishikawa (121lbs) | - | 4: 0-0-0 | 9059 | $234 | 0% | 0% | 0% | N/A |
7th 4.Ihojin (4) T: Y. Yanagizawa J: S. Kanayama (121lbs) | - | 10: 0-0-0 | 897975 | $232 | 0% | 0% | 0% | N/A |
8th 2.Lovely Sur (2) T: K. Himori J: G. Ochiai (121lbs) | - | 6: 0-0-1 | 306760 | $2.7K | 0% | 0% | 17% | N/A |
9th 9.Esquire (9) T: M. Takehiro J: A. Wakasugi (117lbs) | - | 6: 0-1-0 | 209640 | $5K | 0% | 17% | 17% | N/A |
10th 10.Suppin Girl (10) T: M. Takehiro J: M. Kurosawa (121lbs) | - | 7: 0-0-0 | 099088 | - | 0% | 0% | 0% | N/A |
11th 1.Curren Hiro (1) T: H. Oguni J: Y. Iwahashi (121lbs) | - | 13: 0-1-0 | 000862 | $926 | 0% | 8% | 8% | N/A |
5.Nobishiroshika Nai (5) T: N. Ono J: R. Novata (123lbs) | - | 8: 0-0-2 | 385978 | $2.1K | 0% | 0% | 25% | N/A |
R2 - Race 2 (Cond)
Past Performances
Horse (Post Pos) | Rating The official handicap rating for the horse. | Career The career record for the horse. Total starts: Wins, Places, Show. | Last 6 Result Finishing position for the horse’s last six races. | Prize Money Total prizemoney won by the horse. | Win The percentage of races that a horse has run in, that it has won. | Place The percentage of races that a horse has run in, that it has placed. | Show The percentage of races that a horse has run in, that it has showed. | Odds |
1st 7.Radiante (7) T: R. Yamaguchi J: Y. Ishikawa (123lbs) | - | 9: 0-3-1 | 228632 | $4K | 0% | 33% | 44% | N/A |
2nd 5.Shoryu Masaru (5) T: H. Kakugawa J: M. Kuwamura (123lbs) | - | 5: 0-0-1 | 348F6 | $3K | 0% | 0% | 20% | N/A |
3rd 1.Whetstone (1) T: J. Tanaka J: T. Hattori (121lbs) | - | 6: 0-0-1 | 466387 | $2.6K | 0% | 0% | 17% | N/A |
4th 4.Reamstroha (4) T: H. Oguni J: R. Abe (123lbs) | - | 5: 0-0-0 | 86074 | $463 | 0% | 0% | 0% | N/A |
5th 3.Regeneration (3) T: J. Tanaka J: R. Novata (123lbs) | - | 3: 0-1-0 | 8x29 | $976 | 0% | 33% | 33% | N/A |
6th 2.Token Shun (2) T: K. Sasaki J: Y. Kamei (123lbs) | - | 6: 0-1-0 | 526470 | $1.4K | 0% | 17% | 17% | N/A |
7th 6.Title Call (6) T: K. Sasaki J: J. Agishi (119lbs) | - | 5: 0-0-0 | 47x450 | $2.7K | 0% | 0% | 0% | N/A |
R3 - Race 3 (C4)
Past Performances
Horse (Post Pos) | Rating The official handicap rating for the horse. | Career The career record for the horse. Total starts: Wins, Places, Show. | Last 6 Result Finishing position for the horse’s last six races. | Prize Money Total prizemoney won by the horse. | Win The percentage of races that a horse has run in, that it has won. | Place The percentage of races that a horse has run in, that it has placed. | Show The percentage of races that a horse has run in, that it has showed. | Odds |
1st 2.Ange Rhapsodie (2) T: N. Ono J: F. Ono (121lbs) | - | 4: 1-3-0 | 2212 | $4.9K | 25% | 100% | 100% | N/A |
2nd 1.Kitasan Yamabuki (1) T: K. Himori J: M. Kuwamura (121lbs) | - | 7: 0-0-0 | 77x695 | $186 | 0% | 0% | 0% | 16-1 |
3rd 3.Ryuno Arar (3) T: M. Kawashima J: R. Fujita (119lbs) | - | 14: 0-0-0 | 675545 | $943 | 0% | 0% | 0% | 100-1 |
4th 4.Schon Serenade (4) T: K. Himori J: Y. Iwahashi (121lbs) | - | 15: 1-0-0 | 998649 | $3.1K | 7% | 7% | 7% | 40-1 |
5th 8.Natsuno Owarini (8) T: D. Akita J: T. Yoshimoto (121lbs) | - | 5: 0-0-0 | 05x887 | - | 0% | 0% | 0% | 40-1 |
6th 7.Kanetoshi Celeste (7) T: T. Chiba J: M. Kurosawa (126lbs) | - | 22: 1-2-1 | 096004 | $3.1K | 5% | 14% | 18% | 7-1 |
7th 5.Angel Slap (5) T: R. Yamaguchi J: Y. Miyauchi (119lbs) | - | 15: 1-2-2 | 652126 | $5.1K | 7% | 20% | 33% | 7-1 |
8th 9.Leggenda (9) T: K. Sasaki J: J. Agishi (119lbs) | - | 5: 0-0-0 | 78x097 | - | 0% | 0% | 0% | 20-1 |
9th 6.Moulin Grise (6) T: M. Saito J: R. Abe (121lbs) | - | 10: 0-0-0 | 589x90 | - | 0% | 0% | 0% | 100-1 |
R4 - Race 4 (C4)
Past Performances
Horse (Post Pos) | Rating The official handicap rating for the horse. | Career The career record for the horse. Total starts: Wins, Places, Show. | Last 6 Result Finishing position for the horse’s last six races. | Prize Money Total prizemoney won by the horse. | Win The percentage of races that a horse has run in, that it has won. | Place The percentage of races that a horse has run in, that it has placed. | Show The percentage of races that a horse has run in, that it has showed. | Odds |
1st 7.Gap Wedge (7) T: N. Ono J: F. Ono (126lbs) | - | 4: 0-1-0 | 96x02 | $742 | 0% | 25% | 25% | 15-1 |
2nd 8.Ortho Jupiter (8) T: K. Himori J: G. Ochiai (121lbs) | - | 6: 1-0-3 | 543331 | $4.9K | 17% | 17% | 67% | N/A |
3rd 5.Lively Boil (5) T: K. Sasaki J: Y. Kamei (121lbs) | - | 4: 0-0-0 | 000x0 | - | 0% | 0% | 0% | N/A |
4th 1.Kitano Roman (1) T: N. Yonekawa J: Y. Ishikawa (121lbs) | - | 8: 0-0-1 | 045773 | $1.1K | 0% | 0% | 13% | N/A |
5th 9.Kitano Waioli (9) T: K. Yamada J: R. Fujita (115lbs) | - | 12: 0-0-0 | 090000 | - | 0% | 0% | 0% | 100-1 |
6th 3.Erika Venus (3) T: J. Tanaka J: R. Novata (121lbs) | - | 5: 0-0-0 | x0x006 | - | 0% | 0% | 0% | 9-1 |
7th 4.Namura Maja (4) T: D. Akita J: Y. Miyauchi (119lbs) | - | 15: 0-0-1 | 007678 | - | 0% | 0% | 7% | 100-1 |
8th 10.Mayano Shamrock (10) T: T. Okajima J: T. Miyahira (126lbs) | - | 36: 1-1-2 | 608808 | - | 3% | 6% | 11% | 66-1 |
9th 2.Heartful Roman (2) T: D. Akita J: S. Matsui (121lbs) | - | 29: 1-1-1 | 409100 | $4.2K | 3% | 7% | 10% | 50-1 |
6.Riko Leopard (6) T: M. Takehiro J: M. Kurosawa (121lbs) | - | 13: 1-1-1 | 699x61 | $2.7K | 8% | 15% | 23% | 14-1 |
R5 - Race 5 (Cond)
Past Performances
Horse (Post Pos) | Rating The official handicap rating for the horse. | Career The career record for the horse. Total starts: Wins, Places, Show. | Last 6 Result Finishing position for the horse’s last six races. | Prize Money Total prizemoney won by the horse. | Win The percentage of races that a horse has run in, that it has won. | Place The percentage of races that a horse has run in, that it has placed. | Show The percentage of races that a horse has run in, that it has showed. | Odds |
1st 9.Leontine (9) T: H. Oguni J: Y. Ishikawa (121lbs) | - | 4: 1-1-0 | 4251 | $6.9K | 25% | 50% | 50% | N/A |
2nd 7.Kyutaro (7) T: H. Sakurai J: J. Agishi (121lbs) | - | 2: 1-0-1 | 31 | $4.7K | 50% | 50% | 100% | N/A |
3rd 8.T's Link (8) T: N. Ono J: F. Ono (121lbs) | - | 8: 1-4-1 | 342122 | $14K | 13% | 63% | 75% | N/A |
4th 2.Nobu And Max (2) T: Y. Yanagizawa J: S. Kanayama (123lbs) | - | 6: 1-0-0 | 844156 | $4.7K | 17% | 17% | 17% | N/A |
5th 1.War Anthem (1) T: T. Matsumoto J: G. Ochiai (123lbs) | - | 10: 1-4-2 | 512323 | $10K | 10% | 50% | 70% | N/A |
6th 3.Craft King (3) T: H. Kakugawa J: M. Kuwamura (123lbs) | - | 6: 1-0-0 | 441667 | $5.6K | 17% | 17% | 17% | N/A |
7th 10.Marogare (10) T: H. Kawashima J: Y. Miyauchi (121lbs) | - | 12: 1-2-0 | 109444 | $7.1K | 8% | 25% | 25% | N/A |
8th 4.Sanzento Kagayaku (4) T: J. Tanaka J: Y. Iwahashi (121lbs) | - | 2: 1-0-0 | 61 | $3.4K | 50% | 50% | 50% | N/A |
9th 5.Feles Adamas (5) T: H. Oguni J: R. Abe (121lbs) | - | 8: 1-3-2 | 322231 | $7.4K | 13% | 50% | 75% | N/A |
10th 6.Jardi Black (6) T: N. Ono J: R. Fujita (115lbs) | - | 7: 1-0-0 | 089661 | $3.3K | 14% | 14% | 14% | N/A |
R6 - Race 6 (Cond)
Past Performances
Horse (Post Pos) | Rating The official handicap rating for the horse. | Career The career record for the horse. Total starts: Wins, Places, Show. | Last 6 Result Finishing position for the horse’s last six races. | Prize Money Total prizemoney won by the horse. | Win The percentage of races that a horse has run in, that it has won. | Place The percentage of races that a horse has run in, that it has placed. | Show The percentage of races that a horse has run in, that it has showed. | Odds |
1st 1.Shrewsbury (1) T: N. Ono J: F. Ono (121lbs) | - | 9: 1-2-1 | 252134 | $7.1K | 11% | 33% | 44% | N/A |
2nd 6.Takeno Royal (6) T: H. Kakugawa J: R. Abe (121lbs) | - | 2: 1-1-0 | 21 | $5.2K | 50% | 100% | 100% | N/A |
3rd 4.Unicorn Whale (4) T: F. Igarashi J: Y. Miyauchi (121lbs) | - | 6: 1-0-0 | 408188 | $5.3K | 17% | 17% | 17% | N/A |
4th 2.Taisei Acute (2) T: J. Tanaka J: A. Nishimura (121lbs) | - | 3: 1-1-0 | 215 | $8.3K | 33% | 67% | 67% | N/A |
5th 9.Nishiken Cabal (9) T: H. Oguni J: Y. Ishikawa (123lbs) | - | 6: 1-1-1 | 318472 | $8.3K | 17% | 33% | 50% | N/A |
6th 5.Early Head (5) T: T. Matsumoto J: M. Miyazaki (121lbs) | - | 12: 1-0-1 | 535518 | $4.8K | 8% | 8% | 17% | N/A |
7th 7.A Shin Large Hill (7) T: T. Matsumoto J: Y. Iwahashi (121lbs) | - | 5: 1-1-0 | 2697x1 | $8.8K | 20% | 40% | 40% | N/A |
8th 8.Makimaki Parfait (8) T: N. Ono J: R. Fujita (115lbs) | - | 4: 1-0-0 | 6701 | $3.3K | 25% | 25% | 25% | N/A |
9th 3.La Seine (3) T: K. Sasaki J: Y. Kamei (121lbs) | - | 10: 1-0-0 | 7900F1 | $3.3K | 10% | 10% | 10% | 18-1 |
R7 - Race 7 (C4)
Past Performances
Horse (Post Pos) | Rating The official handicap rating for the horse. | Career The career record for the horse. Total starts: Wins, Places, Show. | Last 6 Result Finishing position for the horse’s last six races. | Prize Money Total prizemoney won by the horse. | Win The percentage of races that a horse has run in, that it has won. | Place The percentage of races that a horse has run in, that it has placed. | Show The percentage of races that a horse has run in, that it has showed. | Odds |
1st 3.Old Mine (3) T: N. Ono J: G. Ochiai (126lbs) | - | 8: 0-1-1 | 0x8052 | $927 | 0% | 13% | 25% | 3-1 |
2nd 1.Primo Passo (1) T: H. Oguni J: Y. Iwahashi (121lbs) | - | 12: 0-1-1 | 562344 | $2.3K | 0% | 8% | 17% | 16-1 |
3rd 8.Una To Lion (8) T: K. Himori J: R. Abe (126lbs) | - | 18: 1-3-3 | 226474 | $5.3K | 6% | 22% | 39% | 5-2 |
4th 6.Firecracker (6) T: N. Ono J: R. Fujita (115lbs) | - | 9: 0-0-1 | 080070 | $7.1K | 0% | 0% | 11% | 7-1 |
5th 4.Covinha (4) T: H. Sakurai J: T. Hattori (126lbs) | - | 9: 0-1-1 | 0x7523 | $1.5K | 0% | 11% | 22% | 100-1 |
6th 5.Yaruki Genki Yuki (5) T: H. Kawashima J: Y. Miyauchi (119lbs) | - | 31: 3-3-6 | 432385 | $13K | 10% | 19% | 39% | 2-1 |
7th 2.Tsurumaki Robbery (2) T: K. Yamada J: S. Matsui (121lbs) | - | 31: 0-2-3 | 962506 | $1.4K | 0% | 6% | 16% | 100-1 |
8th 10.Earth Ringo (10) T: T. Okajima J: T. Miyahira (121lbs) | - | 32: 0-1-0 | 000000 | - | 0% | 3% | 3% | 60-1 |
7.Vjunok (7) T: T. Kurokawa J: S. Kanayama (126lbs) | - | 18: 2-0-1 | 799876 | - | 11% | 11% | 17% | 66-1 |
9.Share's Soul (9) T: H. Kakugawa J: M. Kuwamura (121lbs) | - | 13: 1-2-2 | 025533 | $5K | 8% | 23% | 38% | 11-1 |
R8 - Race 8 (C2)
8F 209Y
Past Performances
Horse (Post Pos) | Rating The official handicap rating for the horse. | Career The career record for the horse. Total starts: Wins, Places, Show. | Last 6 Result Finishing position for the horse’s last six races. | Prize Money Total prizemoney won by the horse. | Win The percentage of races that a horse has run in, that it has won. | Place The percentage of races that a horse has run in, that it has placed. | Show The percentage of races that a horse has run in, that it has showed. | Odds |
1st 11.Spin The Blood (11) T: J. Tanaka J: T. Hattori (126lbs) | - | 7: 2-1-0 | x57121 | $9.6K | 29% | 43% | 43% | N/A |
2nd 9.Satono Forte (9) T: J. Tanaka J: G. Ochiai (126lbs) | - | 7: 1-0-1 | x43501 | $21K | 14% | 14% | 29% | 4-1 |
3rd 6.Gloria Minoru (6) T: N. Yonekawa J: Y. Ishikawa (126lbs) | - | 8: 1-1-0 | 469761 | $2.7K | 13% | 25% | 25% | 5-1 |
4th 5.Gray Storm (5) T: H. Sakurai J: Y. Kamei (126lbs) | - | 7: 1-1-3 | 133324 | $5.9K | 14% | 29% | 71% | N/A |
5th 2.Nothing On You (2) T: M. Saito J: T. Yamamoto (121lbs) | - | 27: 2-4-6 | 256637 | $2.2K | 7% | 22% | 44% | 20-1 |
6th 4.Atom Astrea (4) T: T. Kurokawa J: Y. Iwahashi (121lbs) | - | 25: 1-1-2 | 666548 | $1.4K | 4% | 8% | 16% | 66-1 |
7th 7.Feel The Dia (7) T: M. Murakami J: R. Abe (126lbs) | - | 10: 2-2-1 | 17x232 | $8.2K | 20% | 40% | 50% | N/A |
8th 1.Metalcraft (1) T: J. Tanaka J: R. Novata (126lbs) | - | 13: 2-0-0 | 141755 | $6.2K | 15% | 15% | 15% | 100-1 |
9th 8.Tsumaya (8) T: K. Sasaki J: S. Matsui (126lbs) | - | 6: 0-2-0 | x90x22 | $1.5K | 0% | 33% | 33% | 11-2 |
10th 12.Davay Cantique (12) T: H. Kawashima J: M. Kuwamura (121lbs) | - | 26: 7-5-2 | 221710 | $14K | 27% | 46% | 54% | 6-1 |
11th 10.Unknown Hero (10) T: H. Hiromori J: Y. Miyauchi (123lbs) | - | 22: 2-5-1 | 028979 | $2.2K | 9% | 32% | 36% | 7-2 |
12th 3.Kitano Jaune (3) T: F. Igarashi J: F. Ono (121lbs) | - | 20: 1-0-1 | 585644 | $1.2K | 5% | 5% | 10% | 100-1 |
R9 - Race 9 (C2)
Past Performances
Horse (Post Pos) | Rating The official handicap rating for the horse. | Career The career record for the horse. Total starts: Wins, Places, Show. | Last 6 Result Finishing position for the horse’s last six races. | Prize Money Total prizemoney won by the horse. | Win The percentage of races that a horse has run in, that it has won. | Place The percentage of races that a horse has run in, that it has placed. | Show The percentage of races that a horse has run in, that it has showed. | Odds |
1st 10.Keiai Capella (10) T: N. Ono J: F. Ono (126lbs) | - | 7: 1-1-2 | 253931 | $20K | 14% | 29% | 57% | N/A |
2nd 8.M T Uno (8) T: H. Kawashima J: Y. Ishikawa (126lbs) | - | 22: 6-5-6 | 112152 | $14K | 27% | 50% | 77% | 8-1 |
3rd 4.La Toile (4) T: R. Yamaguchi J: Y. Miyauchi (119lbs) | - | 26: 3-7-3 | 252184 | $6.2K | 12% | 38% | 50% | 10-1 |
4th 6.Madonna Lily (6) T: M. Takehiro J: A. Wakasugi (115lbs) | - | 21: 2-2-1 | 085808 | $3.1K | 10% | 19% | 24% | 7-1 |
5th 7.Todoiwa Wind (7) T: H. Kakugawa J: T. Yamamoto (121lbs) | - | 18: 1-3-3 | 737347 | $3K | 6% | 22% | 39% | 5-1 |
6th 5.Lord Al Fine (5) T: J. Tanaka J: A. Nishimura (126lbs) | - | 9: 2-0-0 | 774519 | $5.8K | 22% | 22% | 22% | 12-1 |
7th 2.Lux Michel (2) T: T. Matsumoto J: M. Miyazaki (126lbs) | - | 15: 1-3-3 | 323123 | $7.4K | 7% | 27% | 47% | 12-1 |
8th 9.Moving On (9) T: M. Saito J: S. Kanayama (121lbs) | - | 15: 1-0-1 | 594960 | $762 | 7% | 7% | 13% | 40-1 |
9th 1.Sieglinde (1) T: K. Yamada J: T. Hattori (121lbs) | - | 27: 4-1-2 | 58x077 | $420 | 15% | 19% | 26% | 40-1 |
10th 3.Atonimo Sakinimo (3) T: S. Tanaka J: G. Ochiai (126lbs) | - | 23: 2-5-4 | 562442 | $3.1K | 9% | 30% | 48% | 13-8 |
R10 - Race 10 (C2)
Past Performances
Horse (Post Pos) | Rating The official handicap rating for the horse. | Career The career record for the horse. Total starts: Wins, Places, Show. | Last 6 Result Finishing position for the horse’s last six races. | Prize Money Total prizemoney won by the horse. | Win The percentage of races that a horse has run in, that it has won. | Place The percentage of races that a horse has run in, that it has placed. | Show The percentage of races that a horse has run in, that it has showed. | Odds |
1st 7.Metus (7) T: J. Tanaka J: G. Ochiai (126lbs) | - | 9: 0-4-1 | x88262 | $38K | 0% | 44% | 56% | 9-2 |
2nd 3.B B Basilis (3) T: H. Kakugawa J: R. Abe (121lbs) | - | 10: 3-3-1 | 172345 | $11K | 30% | 60% | 70% | N/A |
3rd 4.Ryuno Shinkuha (4) T: H. Oguni J: Y. Ishikawa (126lbs) | - | 9: 0-2-3 | 03x322 | $18K | 0% | 22% | 56% | 100-1 |
4th 5.Coin Pocket (5) T: S. Tanaka J: G. Banno (121lbs) | - | 34: 2-4-8 | 444736 | $3.5K | 6% | 18% | 41% | 40-1 |
5th 6.Rouge L'ecrin (6) T: H. Kawashima J: Y. Iwahashi (121lbs) | - | 10: 2-2-1 | 277245 | $6.1K | 20% | 40% | 50% | N/A |
6th 9.Buena Rose (9) T: H. Hiromori J: Y. Kamei (121lbs) | - | 22: 1-0-1 | 758806 | $11K | 5% | 5% | 9% | 40-1 |
7th 8.Luna Elf (8) T: N. Ono J: Y. Miyauchi (119lbs) | - | 26: 3-5-5 | 233221 | $6.5K | 12% | 31% | 50% | 33-1 |
8th 10.Leon Kid (10) T: N. Ono J: R. Fujita (115lbs) | - | 10: 3-0-1 | 951873 | $6.4K | 30% | 30% | 40% | N/A |
9th 2.D's Mythology (2) T: T. Matsumoto J: M. Miyazaki (121lbs) | - | 16: 2-1-2 | 266004 | $5.5K | 13% | 19% | 31% | 100-1 |
10th 1.Hokko Alice (1) T: T. Chiba J: T. Hattori (121lbs) | - | 19: 0-1-3 | 473530 | $1.7K | 0% | 5% | 21% | 11-4 |
R11 - Race 11 (Group 3)
Past Performances
Horse (Post Pos) | Rating The official handicap rating for the horse. | Career The career record for the horse. Total starts: Wins, Places, Show. | Last 6 Result Finishing position for the horse’s last six races. | Prize Money Total prizemoney won by the horse. | Win The percentage of races that a horse has run in, that it has won. | Place The percentage of races that a horse has run in, that it has placed. | Show The percentage of races that a horse has run in, that it has showed. | Odds |
1st 3.Myriad Love (3) T: K. Shintani J: A. Nishimura (121lbs) | - | 1: 1-0-0 | 1 | $51K | 100% | 100% | 100% | N/A |
2nd 5.A Shin Maiolica (5) T: N. Yonekawa J: Y. Ishikawa (121lbs) | - | 7: 2-1-2 | 612633 | $43K | 29% | 43% | 71% | N/A |
3rd 6.Adel Liebe (6) T: T. Saito J: H. Miyuki (121lbs) | - | 3: 1-1-0 | 21x4 | $65K | 33% | 67% | 67% | N/A |
4th 13.Half Blue (13) T: N. Ono J: F. Ono (121lbs) | - | 6: 3-2-0 | 221191 | $26K | 50% | 83% | 83% | N/A |
5th 10.Lady Tiara (10) T: J. Tanaka J: Y. Iwahashi (121lbs) | - | 5: 1-2-2 | 12332 | $35K | 20% | 60% | 100% | N/A |
6th 1.Isshin Furan (1) T: M. Takeuchi J: T. Eda (121lbs) | - | 2: 1-0-0 | 7x1 | $36K | 50% | 50% | 50% | N/A |
7th 9.Wonder Woman (9) T: T. Ishimoto J: M. Kurosawa (121lbs) | - | 5: 2-1-0 | 24117 | $32K | 40% | 60% | 60% | N/A |
8th 2.Trevena (2) T: H. Kakugawa J: T. Yamamoto (121lbs) | - | 6: 1-2-3 | 321323 | $26K | 17% | 50% | 100% | N/A |
9th 12.Patriot Game (12) T: Y. Yamazaki J: R. Novata (121lbs) | - | 4: 2-1-1 | 13x21 | $63K | 50% | 75% | 100% | N/A |
10th 7.Eternal Wind (7) T: H. Kakugawa J: M. Kuwamura (121lbs) | - | 5: 3-1-0 | 21110 | $27K | 60% | 80% | 80% | N/A |
11th 4.Silver Mirage (4) T: K. Himori J: T. Hattori (121lbs) | - | 6: 2-0-3 | 331134 | $16K | 33% | 33% | 83% | N/A |
12th 8.Rhein Pasion (8) T: T. Mizuno J: S. Kanayama (121lbs) | - | 2: 1-0-0 | 10x | $54K | 50% | 50% | 50% | N/A |
11.Iide Maihime (11) T: M. Murakami J: N. Runner (121lbs) | - | 3: 2-0-0 | 119 | $43K | 67% | 67% | 67% | N/A |
R12 - Race 12 (B3)
8F 100Y
Past Performances
Horse (Post Pos) | Rating The official handicap rating for the horse. | Career The career record for the horse. Total starts: Wins, Places, Show. | Last 6 Result Finishing position for the horse’s last six races. | Prize Money Total prizemoney won by the horse. | Win The percentage of races that a horse has run in, that it has won. | Place The percentage of races that a horse has run in, that it has placed. | Show The percentage of races that a horse has run in, that it has showed. | Odds |
1st 8.Steel Dream (8) T: H. Kakugawa J: Y. Ishikawa (126lbs) | - | 6: 2-1-1 | 3x1462 | $43K | 33% | 50% | 67% | 4-1 |
2nd 1.Gold Leopard (1) T: K. Himori J: F. Ono (126lbs) | - | 30: 3-2-8 | 302479 | $22K | 10% | 17% | 43% | 4-1 |
3rd 4.Queen's Hill (4) T: H. Kakugawa J: M. Kuwamura (121lbs) | - | 29: 4-1-2 | 880988 | $3.4K | 14% | 17% | 24% | 40-1 |
4th 3.Arma Blade (3) T: T. Matsumoto J: T. Hattori (128lbs) | - | 33: 2-4-5 | 384852 | $3.4K | 6% | 18% | 33% | 7-1 |
5th 6.Ho O Plage (6) T: Y. Yanagizawa J: R. Abe (123lbs) | - | 27: 5-3-1 | 292165 | $14K | 19% | 30% | 33% | 11-1 |
6th 2.Makio Token (2) T: K. Sasaki J: Y. Kamei (126lbs) | - | 30: 1-2-1 | 990700 | $318 | 3% | 10% | 13% | 66-1 |
7th 7.Sakura Sole (7) T: F. Igarashi J: S. Matsui (126lbs) | - | 25: 1-1-7 | 8x6787 | $14K | 4% | 8% | 36% | 7-4 |
8th 5.Spill Out (5) T: K. Yamada J: R. Fujita (119lbs) | - | 39: 0-0-2 | 000000 | $1.3K | 0% | 0% | 5% | 125-1 |