San Isidro Entries (11/09/2024)
See all San Isidro entries for races this Saturday, 11/09/2024
R1 - Race 1 - Maiden
Past Performances
Horse (Post Pos) | Rating The official handicap rating for the horse. | Career The career record for the horse. Total starts: Wins, Places, Show. | Last 6 Result Finishing position for the horse’s last six races. | Prize Money Total prizemoney won by the horse. | Win The percentage of races that a horse has run in, that it has won. | Place The percentage of races that a horse has run in, that it has placed. | Show The percentage of races that a horse has run in, that it has showed. | Odds |
1st 4.Flamboyance Rim (4) T: R. Sander J: R. Ezequiel (123lbs) | - | 1: 0-0-0 | 0x | - | 0% | 0% | 0% | 12-1 |
2nd 6.Con Rimout (6) T: P. Falero J: M. Javier (123lbs) | - | 3: 0-0-1 | 7x63 | $1.2K | 0% | 0% | 33% | 7-2 |
3rd 2.Opera Pintada (2) T: G. Scarpello J: I. Eduardo (123lbs) | - | 1: 0-0-0 | 5 | - | 0% | 0% | 0% | 5-2 |
4th 3.Distinta Rim (3) T: A. Gaitan | - | 0: 0-0-0 | - | - | 0% | 0% | 0% | 8-1 |
5th 1.Quinta Potencia (1) T: E. Bortule J: O. Adrian (123lbs) | - | 0: 0-0-0 | - | - | 0% | 0% | 0% | 6-1 |
6th 10.Meli Clara (10) T: D. Durand J: R. Aserito (123lbs) | - | 2: 0-0-0 | 88x | - | 0% | 0% | 0% | 50-1 |
7th 7.Vendicari (7) T: E. Siele J: R. Daniel (123lbs) | - | 4: 0-0-1 | F735 | $1.1K | 0% | 0% | 25% | 8-1 |
8th 8.Imperious Soul (8) T: B. Astegiano | - | 1: 0-0-0 | F | - | 0% | 0% | 0% | 50-1 |
5.Magic Pure (5) T: H. Calvente J: S. Antonio (123lbs) | - | 0: 0-0-0 | - | - | 0% | 0% | 0% | 12-1 |
9.Killing Me Softly (9) T: G. Linares J: E. Gabriel (123lbs) | - | 1: 0-0-0 | 9x | - | 0% | 0% | 0% | 50-1 |
R2 - Race 2 - Allowance
Past Performances
Horse (Post Pos) | Rating The official handicap rating for the horse. | Career The career record for the horse. Total starts: Wins, Places, Show. | Last 6 Result Finishing position for the horse’s last six races. | Prize Money Total prizemoney won by the horse. | Win The percentage of races that a horse has run in, that it has won. | Place The percentage of races that a horse has run in, that it has placed. | Show The percentage of races that a horse has run in, that it has showed. | Odds |
1st 4.Hiran (4) T: N. David J: K. Banegas (123lbs) | - | 1: 1-0-0 | 1x | $6.4K | 100% | 100% | 100% | 2-1 |
2nd 6.Beauty And Kind (6) T: J. Etchechoury J: A. Maximiliano (119lbs) | - | 4: 1-1-2 | 3213 | $9.9K | 25% | 50% | 100% | 5-1 |
3rd 1.Que Goton Pass (1) T: H. Zengaro J: P. Emanuel (123lbs) | - | 7: 1-0-3 | 34F43x | $4.4K | 14% | 14% | 57% | 7-5 |
4th 7.Sforzini (7) T: M. Gregorini J: A. Belen (123lbs) | - | 2: 1-0-0 | 01 | $2.7K | 50% | 50% | 50% | 20-1 |
5th 2.Lightning Net (2) T: E. Accosano | - | 7: 1-1-2 | 842331 | - | 14% | 29% | 57% | 8-1 |
6th 3.Dark Sound (3) T: J. Olmos J: R. Daniel (123lbs) | - | 2: 1-0-0 | 51x | $6.9K | 50% | 50% | 50% | 8-1 |
7th 5.Kas Bomb (5) T: E. Bortule | - | 3: 1-0-0 | 15x5 | $6.7K | 33% | 33% | 33% | 15-1 |
R3 - Race 3 - Maiden
Past Performances
Horse (Post Pos) | Rating The official handicap rating for the horse. | Career The career record for the horse. Total starts: Wins, Places, Show. | Last 6 Result Finishing position for the horse’s last six races. | Prize Money Total prizemoney won by the horse. | Win The percentage of races that a horse has run in, that it has won. | Place The percentage of races that a horse has run in, that it has placed. | Show The percentage of races that a horse has run in, that it has showed. | Odds |
1.Siriniana (1) T: D. Zabala | - | 1: 0-0-0 | 0x | - | 0% | 0% | 0% | 30-1 |
2.Prisionera Scat (2) T: G. Orellanos J: F. Marcelo (123lbs) | - | 1: 0-0-0 | 8 | - | 0% | 0% | 0% | 50-1 |
3.Donna Stella (3) T: V. D J: P. Damian (123lbs) | - | 2: 0-0-0 | F9 | - | 0% | 0% | 0% | 50-1 |
4.Duda Luck (4) T: N. Bello J: R. Ezequiel (123lbs) | - | 7: 0-0-0 | 554705 | $746 | 0% | 0% | 0% | 8-1 |
5.Nisa (5) T: J. Oural J: W. Rosario (123lbs) | - | 2: 0-0-0 | 44 | $812 | 0% | 0% | 0% | 5-2 |
6.Bressia (6) T: E. Bortule J: F. Leandro (123lbs) | - | 7: 0-4-0 | 2225x4 | $8.5K | 0% | 57% | 57% | 7-1 |
7.Taminea (7) T: L. Bragante J: J. Luis (123lbs) | - | 1: 0-0-0 | 7 | - | 0% | 0% | 0% | 20-1 |
8.Estrella De Rock (8) T: R. Medina J: R. Aserito (123lbs) | - | 2: 0-1-0 | 62 | - | 0% | 50% | 50% | 4-1 |
9.Icono Hit (9) T: P. Falero J: M. Javier (123lbs) | - | 3: 0-0-0 | 746 | $802 | 0% | 0% | 0% | 9-2 |
10.Portal Andina (10) T: A. Tournour J: F. Jesus (123lbs) | - | 2: 0-0-1 | Fx3 | - | 0% | 0% | 50% | 6-1 |
R4 - Race 4 - Maiden
9F 209Y
Past Performances
Horse (Post Pos) | Rating The official handicap rating for the horse. | Career The career record for the horse. Total starts: Wins, Places, Show. | Last 6 Result Finishing position for the horse’s last six races. | Prize Money Total prizemoney won by the horse. | Win The percentage of races that a horse has run in, that it has won. | Place The percentage of races that a horse has run in, that it has placed. | Show The percentage of races that a horse has run in, that it has showed. | Odds |
1st 9.Endeavor (9) T: J. Blanco J: M. Javier (123lbs) | - | 2: 0-0-1 | 35 | $1.4K | 0% | 0% | 50% | 50-1 |
2nd 13.Shumpeter (13) T: C. Peppe J: C. Ernesto (123lbs) | - | 6: 0-1-1 | x45432 | $6.7K | 0% | 17% | 33% | 6-5 |
3rd 10.Poder Global (10) T: J. Etchechoury J: L. Fernando (123lbs) | - | 3: 0-0-0 | 4F6 | $805 | 0% | 0% | 0% | 20-1 |
4th 2.Serengueti (2) T: J. Etchechoury | - | 0: 0-0-0 | - | - | 0% | 0% | 0% | 10-1 |
5th 7.York Castle (7) T: R. Gomez J: L. Diego (123lbs) | - | 7: 0-0-0 | 00x557 | $135 | 0% | 0% | 0% | 50-1 |
6th 5.Me Sobra Aguante (5) T: J. Etchechoury J: F. Marcelo (123lbs) | - | 1: 0-1-0 | 2 | $2.8K | 0% | 100% | 100% | 6-1 |
7th 3.Diogenis (3) T: R. Quiroga J: F. Leandro (123lbs) | - | 2: 0-0-1 | 43 | - | 0% | 0% | 50% | 5-1 |
8th 1.The Bandido (1) T: A. Cervantes J: R. Rodolfo (123lbs) | - | 0: 0-0-0 | - | - | 0% | 0% | 0% | 50-1 |
9th 8.El Tren Bala (8) T: N. Martin J: K. Banegas (123lbs) | - | 1: 0-0-0 | 5 | - | 0% | 0% | 0% | 12-1 |
10th 11.Sacar Ventaja (11) T: J. Fuhr J: J. Luis (123lbs) | - | 1: 0-0-1 | 3x | - | 0% | 0% | 100% | 12-1 |
11th 4.Doble Sentido (4) T: J. Romero J: P. Damian (123lbs) | - | 2: 0-0-0 | 70 | - | 0% | 0% | 0% | 30-1 |
12th 12.Peace Of Mind (12) T: J. Etchechoury J: E. Ortega (123lbs) | - | 0: 0-0-0 | - | - | 0% | 0% | 0% | 8-1 |
6.Diavel (6) T: N. Gaitan J: A. Maximiliano (123lbs) | - | 1: 0-0-0 | 4 | $997 | 0% | 0% | 0% | 6-1 |
R5 - Race 5 - Allowance
Past Performances
Horse (Post Pos) | Rating The official handicap rating for the horse. | Career The career record for the horse. Total starts: Wins, Places, Show. | Last 6 Result Finishing position for the horse’s last six races. | Prize Money Total prizemoney won by the horse. | Win The percentage of races that a horse has run in, that it has won. | Place The percentage of races that a horse has run in, that it has placed. | Show The percentage of races that a horse has run in, that it has showed. | Odds |
1.Potrobuenaso (1) T: R. Reyes | - | 11: 1-1-5 | Fx363x | $1.3K | 9% | 18% | 64% | 20-1 |
2.Magic Talent (2) T: N. Bello J: K. Banegas (126lbs) | - | 9: 2-0-0 | 5x9590 | - | 22% | 22% | 22% | 20-1 |
3.Bill Collins (3) T: H. Voeffray J: R. Daniel (126lbs) | - | 13: 1-2-1 | x76478 | $455 | 8% | 23% | 31% | 30-1 |
4.Clarito In (4) T: R. Graziani J: T. Daniel (126lbs) | - | 21: 1-3-8 | 1525x3 | $6.1K | 5% | 19% | 57% | 8-1 |
5.Icy Ex (5) T: F. Tajes J: P. Damian (121lbs) | - | 9: 1-1-0 | xF78x4 | - | 11% | 22% | 22% | 12-1 |
6.Aeiou (6) T: G. Veliz J: F. Marcelo (126lbs) | - | 7: 1-1-1 | x43255 | $2.2K | 14% | 29% | 43% | 4-1 |
7.Super Racing (7) T: N. Bello J: B. Rodrigo (126lbs) | - | 4: 2-1-1 | 12x13 | $8.3K | 50% | 75% | 100% | 9-2 |
8.Don Cacao (8) T: N. Gonzalez J: F. Leandro (126lbs) | - | 19: 2-3-7 | 3x3241 | $2.4K | 11% | 26% | 63% | 15-1 |
9.El Rey Del Monte (9) T: R. Reyes J: J. Pablo (126lbs) | - | 4: 2-0-1 | 413x1x | $373 | 50% | 50% | 75% | 15-1 |
R6 - Race 6 - Maiden
Past Performances
Horse (Post Pos) | Rating The official handicap rating for the horse. | Career The career record for the horse. Total starts: Wins, Places, Show. | Last 6 Result Finishing position for the horse’s last six races. | Prize Money Total prizemoney won by the horse. | Win The percentage of races that a horse has run in, that it has won. | Place The percentage of races that a horse has run in, that it has placed. | Show The percentage of races that a horse has run in, that it has showed. | Odds |
1st 4.Claro Boy (4) T: G. Villanueva J: R. Aserito (121lbs) | - | 2: 0-1-0 | 0x2 | $1.3K | 0% | 50% | 50% | 3-1 |
2nd 11.Sonsito In (11) T: M. Gomez J: F. Emanuel (126lbs) | - | 2: 0-0-0 | 0x0x | - | 0% | 0% | 0% | 6-1 |
3rd 1.Vicen C (1) T: N. Ponce J: R. Ariel (121lbs) | - | 2: 0-0-0 | Fx9 | - | 0% | 0% | 0% | 50-1 |
4th 2.Talento Gringo (2) T: F. Caporale J: T. Daniel (126lbs) | - | 11: 0-1-0 | x08605 | - | 0% | 9% | 9% | 12-1 |
5th 9.Payaso Azul (9) T: M. Dominguez J: P. Aramis (126lbs) | - | 6: 0-1-0 | 0FFx02 | $1.4K | 0% | 17% | 17% | 8-1 |
6th 8.Dunquin (8) T: C. Escudero J: J. Alejandro (121lbs) | - | 12: 0-0-0 | 666x00 | - | 0% | 0% | 0% | 50-1 |
7th 3.Celtic Sound (3) T: J. Saldivia J: W. Pereyra (126lbs) | - | 1: 0-0-0 | Fx | - | 0% | 0% | 0% | 5-2 |
8th 7.Video Doble (7) T: J. Gaggero | - | 4: 0-0-0 | 860x8 | - | 0% | 0% | 0% | 50-1 |
5.Principe Gringo (5) T: D. Pollian J: G. Perez (126lbs) | - | 7: 0-2-1 | x3x220 | $3K | 0% | 29% | 43% | 7-1 |
6.Bienvenido Key (6) T: M. Giles J: L. Emmanuel (126lbs) | - | 10: 0-0-1 | x34559 | $1.1K | 0% | 0% | 10% | 15-1 |
10.Sendo (10) T: E. Cocco J: K. Banegas (126lbs) | - | 0: 0-0-0 | - | - | 0% | 0% | 0% | 9-2 |
R7 - Race 7 - Allowance
Past Performances
Horse (Post Pos) | Rating The official handicap rating for the horse. | Career The career record for the horse. Total starts: Wins, Places, Show. | Last 6 Result Finishing position for the horse’s last six races. | Prize Money Total prizemoney won by the horse. | Win The percentage of races that a horse has run in, that it has won. | Place The percentage of races that a horse has run in, that it has placed. | Show The percentage of races that a horse has run in, that it has showed. | Odds |
1st 2.Shy Pampita (2) T: C. Doello | - | 4: 2-0-0 | 141x4 | $9.2K | 50% | 50% | 50% | 7-1 |
2nd 5.Ocean Spirit (5) T: M. Alvarez J: K. Banegas (126lbs) | - | 0: 0-0-0 | - | - | 0% | 0% | 0% | 1-1 |
3rd 3.La Armonica (3) T: R. Landola J: F. Leandro (126lbs) | - | 14: 1-3-2 | x22313 | $7.9K | 7% | 29% | 43% | 5-2 |
4th 9.Nunca Santa (9) T: R. Retamoso J: J. Flores (126lbs) | - | 9: 0-0-2 | Fx7346 | $1.2K | 0% | 0% | 22% | 7-2 |
5th 4.La Paito (4) T: S. Arriaga J: T. Daniel (126lbs) | - | 11: 0-3-3 | 3x2x5x | $1.3K | 0% | 27% | 55% | 8-1 |
6th 1.Slew Of Nashville (1) T: N. Baldaro J: J. Rivarola (126lbs) | - | 0: 0-0-0 | - | - | 0% | 0% | 0% | 50-1 |
7th 8.Lunatica Kissing (8) T: J. Morales J: R. Daniel (126lbs) | - | 4: 1-0-1 | 9x153 | $4.7K | 25% | 25% | 50% | 6-1 |
8th 6.Cafernaum (6) T: L. Tournoud | - | 2: 0-0-0 | 0x4x | $203 | 0% | 0% | 0% | 12-1 |
9th 7.Suena Mucho (7) T: M. Diaz | - | 4: 1-1-1 | 23x71 | $2K | 25% | 50% | 75% | 7-2 |
R8 - Race 8 - Allowance
Past Performances
Horse (Post Pos) | Rating The official handicap rating for the horse. | Career The career record for the horse. Total starts: Wins, Places, Show. | Last 6 Result Finishing position for the horse’s last six races. | Prize Money Total prizemoney won by the horse. | Win The percentage of races that a horse has run in, that it has won. | Place The percentage of races that a horse has run in, that it has placed. | Show The percentage of races that a horse has run in, that it has showed. | Odds |
1st 4.Fanfarroneante (4) T: L. Bedoya J: T. Daniel (126lbs) | - | 11: 0-1-1 | xFF205 | $3.1K | 0% | 9% | 18% | 30-1 |
2nd 1.Motor De Mar (1) T: L. Cerutti J: J. Luis (126lbs) | - | 6: 1-1-0 | xF8x6x | - | 17% | 33% | 33% | 4-1 |
3rd 9.El Necochense (9) T: J. Rivollier J: E. Fabrizio (126lbs) | - | 12: 1-1-3 | 3x1543 | $7.1K | 8% | 17% | 42% | 5-1 |
4th 5.La Cosa Buffa (5) T: E. Ferro J: F. Leandro (121lbs) | - | 8: 1-1-4 | x33133 | $9.2K | 13% | 25% | 75% | 6-1 |
5th 6.Buscabusha (6) T: H. Calvente J: G. Emiliano (126lbs) | - | 12: 1-6-3 | 334x21 | $888 | 8% | 58% | 83% | 5-1 |
6th 2.Master Bet (2) T: F. Cacciabue J: R. Aserito (126lbs) | - | 11: 1-1-2 | 772143 | $6.5K | 9% | 18% | 36% | 12-1 |
7th 8.Full Believe (8) T: H. Zengaro J: P. Emanuel (126lbs) | - | 7: 1-0-1 | 64x184 | $7.3K | 14% | 14% | 29% | 12-1 |
8th 7.Virolo (7) T: N. Bello J: K. Banegas (126lbs) | - | 1: 1-0-0 | 1x | - | 100% | 100% | 100% | 12-1 |
3.In Joy (3) T: M. Mazza J: M. Eugenia (126lbs) | - | 9: 1-1-3 | 3F26Fx | $4.8K | 11% | 22% | 56% | 30-1 |
R9 - Race 9 - Premio Clasico Carlos P
7F 209Y
Past Performances
Horse (Post Pos) | Rating The official handicap rating for the horse. | Career The career record for the horse. Total starts: Wins, Places, Show. | Last 6 Result Finishing position for the horse’s last six races. | Prize Money Total prizemoney won by the horse. | Win The percentage of races that a horse has run in, that it has won. | Place The percentage of races that a horse has run in, that it has placed. | Show The percentage of races that a horse has run in, that it has showed. | Odds |
1st 1.Nanabush (1) T: E. Ferro J: M. Javier (132lbs) | - | 14: 8-1-3 | x61231 | $80K | 57% | 64% | 86% | 7-1 |
2nd 4.Elvitas (4) T: J. Lofiego J: W. Rosario (132lbs) | - | 7: 3-0-1 | 3x1F14 | $24K | 43% | 43% | 57% | 7-1 |
3rd 2.Full Macarena (2) T: D. Pena J: B. Rodrigo (132lbs) | - | 11: 2-2-2 | x62653 | $3.4K | 18% | 36% | 55% | 7-2 |
3.Amiguita Gina (3) T: J. Saldivia J: G. Emiliano (132lbs) | - | 16: 6-5-1 | x43x22 | $35K | 38% | 69% | 75% | 5-2 |
R10 - Race 10 - Maiden
Past Performances
Horse (Post Pos) | Rating The official handicap rating for the horse. | Career The career record for the horse. Total starts: Wins, Places, Show. | Last 6 Result Finishing position for the horse’s last six races. | Prize Money Total prizemoney won by the horse. | Win The percentage of races that a horse has run in, that it has won. | Place The percentage of races that a horse has run in, that it has placed. | Show The percentage of races that a horse has run in, that it has showed. | Odds |
1st 8.Catch The Thunder (8) T: N. Bello J: J. Flores (126lbs) | - | 5: 0-2-3 | 33x2x3 | $3.3K | 0% | 40% | 100% | 10-1 |
2nd 10.Inter Victorioso (10) T: R. Molla | - | 1: 0-0-0 | 4 | - | 0% | 0% | 0% | 12-1 |
3rd 7.Sin Trucos (7) T: J. Aguero J: J. Carlos (126lbs) | - | 0: 0-0-0 | - | - | 0% | 0% | 0% | 5-1 |
4th 6.Aguante Campeon (6) T: J. Pra J: G. Borda (126lbs) | - | 6: 0-2-0 | 52x6x2 | - | 0% | 33% | 33% | 5-2 |
5th 3.Bigote De Oro (3) T: F. Villa J: L. Francisco (126lbs) | - | 1: 0-1-0 | 2x | - | 0% | 100% | 100% | 3-1 |
6th 1.Rayo Star (1) T: R. Jones J: F. Marcelo (126lbs) | - | 1: 0-0-0 | 4x | - | 0% | 0% | 0% | 6-1 |
7th 9.Easing Saint (9) T: J. Visiconti J: P. Damian (126lbs) | - | 3: 0-0-2 | 334x | $2.4K | 0% | 0% | 67% | 9-5 |
8th 5.Humor De Locos (5) T: L. Conde J: E. Fabrizio (126lbs) | - | 0: 0-0-0 | - | - | 0% | 0% | 0% | 20-1 |
9th 2.Ke Wellito Gol (2) T: G. Ahihi J: S. Fabian (126lbs) | - | 1: 0-0-0 | 0 | - | 0% | 0% | 0% | 50-1 |
4.Candy Mister (4) T: J. Francisco J: J. Luis (126lbs) | - | 2: 0-0-0 | 0F | - | 0% | 0% | 0% | 30-1 |
R11 - Race 11 - Maiden
Past Performances
Horse (Post Pos) | Rating The official handicap rating for the horse. | Career The career record for the horse. Total starts: Wins, Places, Show. | Last 6 Result Finishing position for the horse’s last six races. | Prize Money Total prizemoney won by the horse. | Win The percentage of races that a horse has run in, that it has won. | Place The percentage of races that a horse has run in, that it has placed. | Show The percentage of races that a horse has run in, that it has showed. | Odds |
1st 9.Estomboli (9) T: M. Cafere J: J. Luis (126lbs) | - | 3: 0-0-0 | Fx46x | $592 | 0% | 0% | 0% | 3-1 |
2nd 6.Advokaat (6) T: M. Cascallares J: W. A (126lbs) | - | 13: 0-1-1 | F44F43 | $971 | 0% | 8% | 15% | 8-1 |
3rd 8.Es Asombroso (8) T: A. Calcagno | - | 9: 0-0-0 | FxFxFx | - | 0% | 0% | 0% | 15-1 |
4th 1.Skone (1) T: J. Bentancourt J: J. Flores (126lbs) | - | 5: 0-1-0 | x9xF29 | $1.1K | 0% | 20% | 20% | 20-1 |
5th 5.Frauen (5) T: G. Romero J: R. Daniel (126lbs) | - | 0: 0-0-0 | - | - | 0% | 0% | 0% | 12-1 |
6th 2.Shafir (2) T: S. Latof | - | 2: 0-0-0 | F5 | - | 0% | 0% | 0% | 15-1 |
7th 12.Mercedino Kid (12) T: H. Nicodemo J: J. Pablo (126lbs) | - | 5: 0-0-1 | x936x0 | $528 | 0% | 0% | 20% | 8-1 |
8th 3.Cambacito (3) T: V. Fahler J: R. Aserito (126lbs) | - | 0: 0-0-0 | - | - | 0% | 0% | 0% | 50-1 |
9th 10.Piano Horse (10) T: H. Perez J: C. Ernesto (126lbs) | - | 2: 0-0-0 | F0 | - | 0% | 0% | 0% | 50-1 |
10th 4.De Cayetano (4) T: E. Pavon J: M. Agustin (126lbs) | - | 3: 0-1-1 | 23x5 | - | 0% | 33% | 67% | 30-1 |
10th 11.Querido Senor (11) T: J. Teppaz J: I. Eduardo (126lbs) | - | 1: 0-0-0 | 4x | - | 0% | 0% | 0% | 50-1 |
7.Tiro Justo (7) T: S. Latof J: J. Guida (126lbs) | - | 0: 0-0-0 | - | - | 0% | 0% | 0% | 6-1 |
R12 - Race 12 - Allowance
Past Performances
Horse (Post Pos) | Rating The official handicap rating for the horse. | Career The career record for the horse. Total starts: Wins, Places, Show. | Last 6 Result Finishing position for the horse’s last six races. | Prize Money Total prizemoney won by the horse. | Win The percentage of races that a horse has run in, that it has won. | Place The percentage of races that a horse has run in, that it has placed. | Show The percentage of races that a horse has run in, that it has showed. | Odds |
1st 3.Full Golyat (3) T: D. Pena J: M. Javier (119lbs) | - | 2: 1-0-1 | 3x1 | $6.5K | 50% | 50% | 100% | 10-1 |
2nd 1.Trigo Candeal (1) T: M. Velazco J: C. Ernesto (126lbs) | - | 10: 3-1-2 | 1x351x | $8.2K | 30% | 40% | 60% | 15-1 |
3rd 6.El Gazpacho (6) T: N. Martin J: F. Leandro (126lbs) | - | 11: 3-1-0 | x11625 | $17K | 27% | 36% | 36% | 3-1 |
4th 2.Rio Maggio (2) T: R. Gomez J: W. Pereyra (126lbs) | - | 4: 1-2-1 | 213x2 | $2.1K | 25% | 75% | 100% | 2-1 |
5th 4.Lomo Plateado (4) T: E. Tadei J: E. Fabrizio (119lbs) | - | 12: 1-4-3 | 443222 | $2.8K | 8% | 42% | 67% | 9-2 |
6th 5.Puro De Cuba (5) T: R. Consani J: J. Luis (126lbs) | - | 14: 3-1-3 | 3F3359 | $2.5K | 21% | 29% | 50% | 4-1 |
R13 - Race 13 - Allowance
Past Performances
Horse (Post Pos) | Rating The official handicap rating for the horse. | Career The career record for the horse. Total starts: Wins, Places, Show. | Last 6 Result Finishing position for the horse’s last six races. | Prize Money Total prizemoney won by the horse. | Win The percentage of races that a horse has run in, that it has won. | Place The percentage of races that a horse has run in, that it has placed. | Show The percentage of races that a horse has run in, that it has showed. | Odds |
1st 5.Huenchul Exitoso (5) T: C. Korell J: T. Daniel (126lbs) | - | 13: 2-1-1 | 651x83 | $3.7K | 15% | 23% | 31% | 15-1 |
2nd 8.Gallows Pole (8) T: J. Taborda J: F. Jesus (126lbs) | - | 7: 0-0-1 | x46x44 | $831 | 0% | 0% | 14% | 3-1 |
3rd 12.Imbatible (12) T: A. Mollo J: J. Guida (126lbs) | - | 5: 0-1-0 | x6x685 | - | 0% | 20% | 20% | 20-1 |
4th 13.Powerfull Cause (13) T: J. Sosa J: G. Perez (126lbs) | - | 11: 1-3-3 | x5636x | $397 | 9% | 36% | 64% | 10-1 |
5th 9.Giaco Smart (9) T: M. Giles J: M. Dario (126lbs) | - | 16: 1-3-4 | 3x76x8 | - | 6% | 25% | 50% | 30-1 |
2.Pirufin (2) T: F. Sanchez J: L. Mateo (126lbs) | - | 14: 1-3-2 | x33455 | $1.1K | 7% | 29% | 43% | 6-1 |
7.Steffans (7) T: G. Parma J: J. Maximiliano (126lbs) | - | 2: 0-1-1 | 3x2x | $872 | 0% | 50% | 100% | 50-1 |
1.Que Sonado (1) T: M. Reale J: C. Noriega (126lbs) | - | 3: 1-1-0 | 5x2x1x | - | 33% | 67% | 67% | 5-2 |
3.Borbolisa (3) T: M. Dominguez J: A. Ariel (121lbs) | - | 0: 0-0-0 | - | - | 0% | 0% | 0% | 30-1 |
4.Flasheado (4) T: H. Nieva | - | 1: 0-0-0 | F | - | 0% | 0% | 0% | 8-1 |
6.Baska Clear (6) T: P. Paganti | - | 3: 1-0-0 | 7x51x | $2.7K | 33% | 33% | 33% | 8-1 |
10.Kelo Clear (10) T: C. Proenza J: S. Antonio (126lbs) | - | 0: 0-0-0 | - | - | 0% | 0% | 0% | 30-1 |
11.Le Demencia (11) T: M. Santiago J: M. Eugenia (121lbs) | - | 9: 1-2-0 | 174x07 | $4.1K | 11% | 33% | 33% | 50-1 |
R14 - Race 14 - Allowance
Past Performances
Horse (Post Pos) | Rating The official handicap rating for the horse. | Career The career record for the horse. Total starts: Wins, Places, Show. | Last 6 Result Finishing position for the horse’s last six races. | Prize Money Total prizemoney won by the horse. | Win The percentage of races that a horse has run in, that it has won. | Place The percentage of races that a horse has run in, that it has placed. | Show The percentage of races that a horse has run in, that it has showed. | Odds |
1st 10.Le Cornette (10) T: N. Bello J: J. Flores (126lbs) | - | 3: 0-1-1 | 2x3xFx | - | 0% | 33% | 67% | 7-2 |
2nd 4.Fantastic Woman (4) T: A. Costantino | - | 4: 2-0-1 | 114x3 | $9.8K | 50% | 50% | 75% | 9-5 |
3rd 1.Vida Real (1) T: C. Peralta J: K. Banegas (121lbs) | - | 5: 3-0-0 | 1x7x1x | - | 60% | 60% | 60% | 5-2 |
4th 3.El Romancero (3) T: F. Sanchez J: M. Javier (126lbs) | - | 3: 1-0-1 | Fx1x3 | - | 33% | 33% | 67% | 12-1 |
5th 7.War Flashbacks (7) T: N. David | - | 12: 2-5-3 | 132222 | $4.4K | 17% | 58% | 83% | 10-1 |
5th 11.Mambo Italiano (11) T: S. Zarate J: G. Borda (126lbs) | - | 16: 3-3-2 | x46515 | $5.5K | 19% | 38% | 50% | 6-1 |
2.Si Toreto (2) T: H. Sosa J: S. Antonio (119lbs) | - | 6: 1-0-1 | 137x6x | $4.7K | 17% | 17% | 33% | 12-1 |
5.L'intrdit (5) T: L. Bruno J: L. Diego (121lbs) | - | 6: 2-0-1 | 4x1130 | $7.4K | 33% | 33% | 50% | 8-1 |
8.Jungle Music (8) T: G. Feliciani J: F. Leandro (126lbs) | - | 5: 2-0-2 | 3xFx31 | - | 40% | 40% | 80% | 8-1 |
9.Kiss Pampa (9) T: M. Quiroga | - | 6: 1-1-1 | x1x44x | $2K | 17% | 33% | 50% | 30-1 |
12.Lawson (12) T: C. Cardon J: E. Ortega (126lbs) | - | 3: 2-0-0 | 1x1x4x | $3K | 67% | 67% | 67% | 7-2 |
6.Disruptive Cayman (6) T: J. Sosa J: G. Perez (115lbs) | - | 15: 1-2-1 | 8x8587 | - | 7% | 20% | 27% | 30-1 |
R15 - Race 15 - Maiden
Past Performances
Horse (Post Pos) | Rating The official handicap rating for the horse. | Career The career record for the horse. Total starts: Wins, Places, Show. | Last 6 Result Finishing position for the horse’s last six races. | Prize Money Total prizemoney won by the horse. | Win The percentage of races that a horse has run in, that it has won. | Place The percentage of races that a horse has run in, that it has placed. | Show The percentage of races that a horse has run in, that it has showed. | Odds |
1st 9.Jay Soundtrack (9) T: M. Giles J: L. Emmanuel (126lbs) | - | 2: 0-0-0 | Fx4 | $642 | 0% | 0% | 0% | 30-1 |
2nd 2.Out Of Risk (2) T: M. Alvarez J: E. Gaspar (126lbs) | - | 6: 0-2-1 | 564322 | $5.1K | 0% | 33% | 50% | 4-1 |
3rd 6.Amanece Now (6) T: M. Alvarez J: L. Francisco (126lbs) | - | 4: 0-1-1 | 5x423x | $2.7K | 0% | 25% | 50% | 2-1 |
4th 13.Quiet Ines (13) T: P. Falero J: G. Borda (126lbs) | - | 15: 0-2-3 | 333242 | $6.1K | 0% | 13% | 33% | 7-2 |
5th 7.You Be Mine (7) T: E. Siele J: F. Jesus (126lbs) | - | 3: 0-0-1 | 65x3 | $917 | 0% | 0% | 33% | 9-5 |
6th 8.Grazias Negrita (8) T: M. Lombardo | - | 0: 0-0-0 | - | - | 0% | 0% | 0% | 5-1 |
7th 3.Churray Rundu (3) T: E. Siele J: R. Daniel (126lbs) | - | 6: 0-0-0 | Fx74F4 | $1.3K | 0% | 0% | 0% | 15-1 |
8th 11.My Long Legs (11) T: J. Mayansky J: L. Vladimir (126lbs) | - | 9: 0-1-1 | F2x3x0 | $2.6K | 0% | 11% | 22% | 12-1 |
9th 4.Darian (4) T: P. Armada J: M. Javier (126lbs) | - | 5: 0-0-0 | F45x55 | - | 0% | 0% | 0% | 12-1 |
10th 12.Lluvia Laser (12) T: D. Badano J: J. Guida (126lbs) | - | 1: 0-0-0 | 9 | - | 0% | 0% | 0% | 30-1 |
11th 5.Le Bonite (5) T: J. Ramundo | - | 3: 0-0-0 | FFFx | - | 0% | 0% | 0% | 30-1 |
12th 1.Soy Camuflada (1) T: L. Bruno J: L. Diego (126lbs) | - | 0: 0-0-0 | - | - | 0% | 0% | 0% | 30-1 |
13th 10.Miss Secrecy (10) T: G. Peralta J: T. Daniel (126lbs) | - | 5: 0-0-0 | x04F0x | $370 | 0% | 0% | 0% | 15-1 |