San Isidro Entries (01/23/2025)
See all San Isidro entries for races this Thursday, 01/23/2025
R1 - Race 1 - Allowance
Past Performances
Horse (Post Pos) | Rating The official handicap rating for the horse. | Career The career record for the horse. Total starts: Wins, Places, Show. | Last 6 Result Finishing position for the horse’s last six races. | Prize Money Total prizemoney won by the horse. | Win The percentage of races that a horse has run in, that it has won. | Place The percentage of races that a horse has run in, that it has placed. | Show The percentage of races that a horse has run in, that it has showed. | Odds |
1.Mal Anotada Moli (1) T: R. Baustian J: R. Aserito (126lbs) | - | 6: 1-0-1 | 44361x | $4.5K | 17% | 17% | 33% | 9-2 |
2.La Deseada Cat (2) T: L. Recabarren | - | 3: 0-0-2 | 3x3x8x | $66 | 0% | 0% | 67% | 8-1 |
3.Chau Mariu (3) T: N. Bello J: J. Flores (126lbs) | - | 11: 1-1-1 | 488453 | $3.7K | 9% | 18% | 27% | 2-1 |
4.Esperada Rye (4) T: J. Ruvelli J: K. Banegas (121lbs) | - | 10: 0-1-5 | 378x33 | $2.5K | 0% | 10% | 60% | 12-1 |
5.Emper Way (5) T: E. Antchagno J: R. Daniel (121lbs) | - | 0: 0-0-0 | - | - | 0% | 0% | 0% | 8-1 |
6.Sommersouth (6) T: T. Van J: A. Allois (121lbs) | - | 0: 0-0-0 | - | - | 0% | 0% | 0% | 20-1 |
7.La Gayolita (7) T: G. Parma J: D. Eduardo (126lbs) | - | 1: 0-0-0 | 8x | - | 0% | 0% | 0% | 50-1 |
8.Jurabas Vos (8) T: A. Espinosa J: L. Jesus (126lbs) | - | 3: 1-0-0 | 6xFx1 | $1.7K | 33% | 33% | 33% | 9-2 |
9.Missoula (9) T: H. Faget J: J. Pablo (126lbs) | - | 10: 1-7-0 | 2x4212 | $6.1K | 10% | 80% | 80% | 6-1 |
10.Pequena Antonia (10) T: N. David J: R. Ivan (126lbs) | - | 5: 1-1-0 | 8126x6 | $3.1K | 20% | 40% | 40% | 8-1 |
11.Catalina's Sky (11) T: O. Perez J: W. A (126lbs) | - | 4: 1-0-2 | Fx331x | - | 25% | 25% | 75% | 3-1 |
R2 - Race 2 - Maiden
7F 209Y
Past Performances
Horse (Post Pos) | Rating The official handicap rating for the horse. | Career The career record for the horse. Total starts: Wins, Places, Show. | Last 6 Result Finishing position for the horse’s last six races. | Prize Money Total prizemoney won by the horse. | Win The percentage of races that a horse has run in, that it has won. | Place The percentage of races that a horse has run in, that it has placed. | Show The percentage of races that a horse has run in, that it has showed. | Odds |
1.Pride Candy (1) T: M. Gomez J: J. Cruz (123lbs) | - | 6: 0-0-1 | 58463x | $500 | 0% | 0% | 17% | 30-1 |
2.Inter Cambio (2) T: S. Zarate J: L. Matias (123lbs) | - | 2: 0-0-0 | 8F | - | 0% | 0% | 0% | 50-1 |
3.Amigo Caio (3) T: P. Armada J: J. Del (123lbs) | - | 3: 0-0-0 | 809x | - | 0% | 0% | 0% | 15-1 |
4.Dudi Si (4) T: J. Etchechoury J: L. Emmanuel (123lbs) | - | 1: 0-0-0 | 0 | - | 0% | 0% | 0% | 15-1 |
5.Brumoso Pampa (5) T: J. Romero J: A. Belen (123lbs) | - | 8: 0-0-0 | 84006F | $817 | 0% | 0% | 0% | 50-1 |
6.Storm Force (6) T: A. Pavlovsky | - | 2: 0-0-0 | 90 | - | 0% | 0% | 0% | 5-1 |
7.Irion (7) T: N. Bello J: J. Flores (123lbs) | - | 3: 0-0-0 | 59xF | - | 0% | 0% | 0% | 6-1 |
8.Halteres (8) T: C. Bani J: R. Daniel (123lbs) | - | 3: 0-0-3 | 333 | - | 0% | 0% | 100% | 4-5 |
R3 - Race 3 - Maiden
7F 209Y
Past Performances
Horse (Post Pos) | Rating The official handicap rating for the horse. | Career The career record for the horse. Total starts: Wins, Places, Show. | Last 6 Result Finishing position for the horse’s last six races. | Prize Money Total prizemoney won by the horse. | Win The percentage of races that a horse has run in, that it has won. | Place The percentage of races that a horse has run in, that it has placed. | Show The percentage of races that a horse has run in, that it has showed. | Odds |
1.Ilocutivo (1) T: C. Cardon J: W. A (123lbs) | - | 4: 0-0-0 | F69x9 | - | 0% | 0% | 0% | 15-1 |
2.Emperador De Trenque (2) T: A. Pavlovsky | - | 2: 0-0-0 | 05x | - | 0% | 0% | 0% | 20-1 |
3.Albiano (3) T: N. Bello J: K. Banegas (123lbs) | - | 0: 0-0-0 | - | - | 0% | 0% | 0% | 7-2 |
4.Chando (4) T: A. Martinez J: C. Saul (123lbs) | - | 0: 0-0-0 | - | - | 0% | 0% | 0% | 12-1 |
5.Baron Talent (5) T: N. David J: W. Rosario (123lbs) | - | 0: 0-0-0 | - | - | 0% | 0% | 0% | 8-1 |
6.Oh L'amour (6) T: A. Gaitan J: M. Antonio (123lbs) | - | 1: 0-0-0 | Fx | - | 0% | 0% | 0% | 6-5 |
7.General Marc (7) T: J. Blanco J: J. Flores (123lbs) | - | 0: 0-0-0 | - | - | 0% | 0% | 0% | 20-1 |
8.Doble Sentido (8) T: J. Romero J: P. Damian (123lbs) | - | 5: 0-0-0 | 70058 | - | 0% | 0% | 0% | 15-1 |
9.Le Delicium (9) T: O. Labanca J: E. Fabrizio (123lbs) | - | 4: 0-0-2 | F33x4x | - | 0% | 0% | 50% | 3-1 |
R4 - Race 4 - Maiden
Past Performances
Horse (Post Pos) | Rating The official handicap rating for the horse. | Career The career record for the horse. Total starts: Wins, Places, Show. | Last 6 Result Finishing position for the horse’s last six races. | Prize Money Total prizemoney won by the horse. | Win The percentage of races that a horse has run in, that it has won. | Place The percentage of races that a horse has run in, that it has placed. | Show The percentage of races that a horse has run in, that it has showed. | Odds |
1.Inside Deep (1) T: M. Giles J: L. Emmanuel (126lbs) | - | 5: 0-0-0 | 879F9 | - | 0% | 0% | 0% | 50-1 |
2.Emper Spirit (2) T: V. Fahler J: L. Matias (126lbs) | - | 6: 0-0-0 | 0x4F5x | $382 | 0% | 0% | 0% | 30-1 |
3.Alquimia Pura (3) T: G. Romero J: R. Daniel (126lbs) | - | 2: 0-0-0 | F0 | - | 0% | 0% | 0% | 20-1 |
4.Eigualame (4) T: R. Pellegatta J: R. Aserito (126lbs) | - | 0: 0-0-0 | - | - | 0% | 0% | 0% | 6-1 |
5.Diamantine (5) T: O. Conti J: L. Mateo (126lbs) | - | 5: 0-0-0 | 7x6460 | - | 0% | 0% | 0% | 4-1 |
6.Zara Runner (6) T: A. Duarte J: P. Aramis (126lbs) | - | 8: 0-2-2 | x4223x | $3.3K | 0% | 25% | 50% | 8-1 |
7.Florentina In You (7) T: R. Vivas J: A. Allois (126lbs) | - | 3: 0-0-0 | Fx65 | - | 0% | 0% | 0% | 9-2 |
8.Elvi Mas (8) T: H. Diaz J: A. R (126lbs) | - | 9: 0-1-0 | xF7276 | $410 | 0% | 11% | 11% | 50-1 |
9.Lady Dorle (9) T: M. Rizza J: G. Damian (126lbs) | - | 6: 0-2-0 | 6x4242 | $1.4K | 0% | 33% | 33% | 50-1 |
10.Maike Hua (10) T: J. Ruvelli J: M. Ruben (126lbs) | - | 0: 0-0-0 | - | - | 0% | 0% | 0% | 20-1 |
R5 - Race 5 - Allowance
Past Performances
Horse (Post Pos) | Rating The official handicap rating for the horse. | Career The career record for the horse. Total starts: Wins, Places, Show. | Last 6 Result Finishing position for the horse’s last six races. | Prize Money Total prizemoney won by the horse. | Win The percentage of races that a horse has run in, that it has won. | Place The percentage of races that a horse has run in, that it has placed. | Show The percentage of races that a horse has run in, that it has showed. | Odds |
1.Looks Great (1) T: L. Recabarren J: F. Javier (126lbs) | - | 1: 1-0-0 | 1x | $3K | 100% | 100% | 100% | 20-1 |
2.El Ultimo Bailando (2) T: L. Pedalino J: L. Mariana (126lbs) | - | 3: 0-0-2 | 3x4x3 | $288 | 0% | 0% | 67% | 9-2 |
3.Alto Heredero (3) T: I. Cordoba J: A. Allois (121lbs) | - | 5: 1-1-0 | x44x41 | $1.7K | 20% | 40% | 40% | 12-1 |
4.Charete (4) T: M. Giles J: S. Antonio (121lbs) | - | 10: 1-1-0 | 1x7x76 | - | 10% | 20% | 20% | 20-1 |
5.American Warrior (5) T: M. Cascallares | - | 18: 1-3-1 | 4F7742 | $9.3K | 6% | 22% | 28% | 5-1 |
6.Mindhunter (6) T: N. Bello J: C. Agustin (126lbs) | - | 15: 0-2-1 | 278424 | $2.9K | 0% | 13% | 20% | 6-1 |
7.Gracioso Nak (7) T: O. Ilarione J: A. Carlos (126lbs) | - | 21: 1-2-3 | 344534 | $1.3K | 5% | 14% | 29% | 12-1 |
8.El Pelusa Check (8) T: M. Nunez | - | 6: 0-0-0 | 90x876 | - | 0% | 0% | 0% | 50-1 |
9.Maestro Coraje (9) T: C. Vilche | - | 4: 1-0-1 | 3x165 | $4.9K | 25% | 25% | 50% | 5-2 |
R6 - Race 6 - Allowance
Past Performances
Horse (Post Pos) | Rating The official handicap rating for the horse. | Career The career record for the horse. Total starts: Wins, Places, Show. | Last 6 Result Finishing position for the horse’s last six races. | Prize Money Total prizemoney won by the horse. | Win The percentage of races that a horse has run in, that it has won. | Place The percentage of races that a horse has run in, that it has placed. | Show The percentage of races that a horse has run in, that it has showed. | Odds |
1.Need You Perfect (1) T: F. Ballestero J: E. Ortega (121lbs) | - | 7: 2-2-1 | 31127x | $10K | 29% | 57% | 71% | 4-1 |
2.Galan De Barrio (2) T: C. Lombardo | - | 8: 3-1-2 | 231155 | $3.9K | 38% | 50% | 75% | 6-1 |
3.Che Bufon (3) T: G. Garcia J: M. Eugenia (126lbs) | - | 0: 0-0-0 | - | - | 0% | 0% | 0% | 30-1 |
4.Consejero Espanol (4) T: J. Congestre J: L. Emmanuel (126lbs) | - | 13: 1-3-3 | x82x05 | $1.5K | 8% | 31% | 54% | 8-1 |
5.Che Mandrake (5) T: J. Acevedo J: J. Pablo (126lbs) | - | 9: 2-4-0 | 2x22x1 | $5.1K | 22% | 67% | 67% | 5-1 |
6.Septimo Regimiento (6) T: G. Romero J: K. Banegas (126lbs) | - | 8: 3-1-3 | 6x1133 | $9.9K | 38% | 50% | 88% | 5-2 |
7.Higosenalmibar (7) T: J. Staiano J: J. Raul (126lbs) | - | 4: 1-0-0 | 1x77x6 | $677 | 25% | 25% | 25% | 20-1 |
8.Dom Eloi (8) T: M. Garrido J: L. Jesus (126lbs) | - | 14: 3-1-4 | 254x31 | $3.6K | 21% | 29% | 57% | 12-1 |
9.Normando Lu (9) T: A. De J: A. Jose (126lbs) | - | 0: 0-0-0 | - | - | 0% | 0% | 0% | 30-1 |
R7 - Race 7 - Handicap Ante Diem (H) H
Past Performances
Horse (Post Pos) | Rating The official handicap rating for the horse. | Career The career record for the horse. Total starts: Wins, Places, Show. | Last 6 Result Finishing position for the horse’s last six races. | Prize Money Total prizemoney won by the horse. | Win The percentage of races that a horse has run in, that it has won. | Place The percentage of races that a horse has run in, that it has placed. | Show The percentage of races that a horse has run in, that it has showed. | Odds |
1.Take For You (1) T: R. Mayo | - | 9: 4-2-0 | 1x0x22 | $3.3K | 44% | 67% | 67% | 20-1 |
2.Manicura Rusa (2) T: M. Cascallares J: F. Jesus (115lbs) | - | 29: 4-3-3 | 418545 | $3.2K | 14% | 24% | 34% | 20-1 |
3.Aiyanna (3) T: E. Cedeno J: W. A (121lbs) | - | 16: 4-1-4 | 6345x1 | $2.4K | 25% | 31% | 56% | 8-1 |
4.Crhys Kissing (4) T: N. Periga J: F. Marcelo (129lbs) | - | 21: 4-10-5 | 21x231 | $2.3K | 19% | 67% | 90% | 5-2 |
5.Caoimhe (5) T: F. Ortiz J: I. Monasterolo (117lbs) | - | 8: 4-1-1 | x3x111 | $641 | 50% | 63% | 75% | 12-1 |
6.Wish You More (6) T: G. Penalba J: C. Agustin (112lbs) | - | 14: 3-5-2 | 221x1x | - | 21% | 57% | 71% | 15-1 |
7.Opera Garnier (7) T: L. Cerutti J: J. Luis (128lbs) | - | 8: 0-2-2 | x24x3x | $3.2K | 0% | 25% | 50% | 3-1 |
8.Fantastic Woman (8) T: A. Costantino J: L. Matias (122lbs) | - | 7: 4-1-1 | 4x3211 | $12K | 57% | 71% | 86% | 8-5 |
9.Vida Real (9) T: C. Peralta J: K. Banegas (125lbs) | - | 7: 4-0-1 | 7x1x31 | $2.2K | 57% | 57% | 71% | 7-2 |
R8 - Race 8 - Allowance
Past Performances
Horse (Post Pos) | Rating The official handicap rating for the horse. | Career The career record for the horse. Total starts: Wins, Places, Show. | Last 6 Result Finishing position for the horse’s last six races. | Prize Money Total prizemoney won by the horse. | Win The percentage of races that a horse has run in, that it has won. | Place The percentage of races that a horse has run in, that it has placed. | Show The percentage of races that a horse has run in, that it has showed. | Odds |
1.Grandvalira (1) T: C. Santinaque J: D. Eduardo (126lbs) | - | 0: 0-0-0 | - | - | 0% | 0% | 0% | 30-1 |
2.Esperanzas (2) T: D. Castro J: T. Valentin (126lbs) | - | 12: 2-2-1 | 84F4x7 | $6K | 17% | 33% | 42% | 15-1 |
3.Akilina (3) T: C. Santinaque | - | 0: 0-0-0 | - | - | 0% | 0% | 0% | 20-1 |
4.Bajan Creole (4) T: M. Cafere J: K. Banegas (119lbs) | - | 5: 2-2-1 | 13122 | $6.9K | 40% | 80% | 100% | 2-1 |
5.Alta Key (5) T: G. Scagnetti J: W. A (126lbs) | - | 10: 2-2-3 | 221533 | $8.1K | 20% | 40% | 70% | 5-2 |
6.Soy De Clase (6) T: F. Cacciabue J: R. Aserito (126lbs) | - | 9: 1-1-1 | 152647 | $4.5K | 11% | 22% | 33% | 2-1 |
7.Excusi (7) T: M. Martin | - | 10: 3-1-4 | 5x2134 | $5.7K | 30% | 40% | 80% | 5-2 |
8.Candy Gloriosa (8) T: O. Conti J: L. Mateo (119lbs) | - | 9: 2-2-1 | 314142 | $3.2K | 22% | 44% | 56% | 8-1 |
9.Ixchel (9) T: A. Benitez J: R. Ariel (126lbs) | - | 10: 2-1-1 | x6Fx85 | $1.7K | 20% | 30% | 40% | 20-1 |
10.Manda Un Email (10) T: N. Bustos J: B. Leyes (126lbs) | - | 0: 0-0-0 | - | - | 0% | 0% | 0% | 12-1 |
R9 - Race 9 - Allowance
Past Performances
Horse (Post Pos) | Rating The official handicap rating for the horse. | Career The career record for the horse. Total starts: Wins, Places, Show. | Last 6 Result Finishing position for the horse’s last six races. | Prize Money Total prizemoney won by the horse. | Win The percentage of races that a horse has run in, that it has won. | Place The percentage of races that a horse has run in, that it has placed. | Show The percentage of races that a horse has run in, that it has showed. | Odds |
1.Igual No Soy (1) T: P. Sahagian | - | 3: 1-1-0 | 21x6 | $8.8K | 33% | 67% | 67% | 8-1 |
2.Gran Elena (2) T: C. Linares J: L. Matias (123lbs) | - | 3: 1-1-0 | 128x | $5.8K | 33% | 67% | 67% | 8-1 |
3.Agua Cristalina (3) T: M. Bragante J: G. Damian (123lbs) | - | 4: 1-0-1 | 315x7 | $7.7K | 25% | 25% | 50% | 6-1 |
4.Coni Fizz (4) T: J. Blanco J: M. Javier (123lbs) | - | 2: 1-1-0 | 21x | $8.6K | 50% | 100% | 100% | 9-5 |
5.Asia Mia (5) T: L. Dimaro J: E. Daniel (123lbs) | - | 7: 1-1-2 | 444331 | $4.2K | 14% | 29% | 57% | 2-1 |
6.Way Too Much (6) T: R. Bullrich J: F. Raul (123lbs) | - | 2: 1-0-0 | 17x | $1.6K | 50% | 50% | 50% | 6-1 |
7.Hahira (7) T: A. Duarte J: J. Cruz (123lbs) | - | 3: 1-1-0 | 4x21 | $506 | 33% | 67% | 67% | 20-1 |
8.Dona Rosa (8) T: A. Pavlovsky J: J. Luis (123lbs) | - | 3: 1-0-0 | 441 | $1.6K | 33% | 33% | 33% | 12-1 |
9.Meitner (9) T: E. Tadei J: W. A (123lbs) | - | 1: 1-0-0 | 1 | - | 100% | 100% | 100% | 15-1 |
R10 - Race 10 - Allowance
Past Performances
Horse (Post Pos) | Rating The official handicap rating for the horse. | Career The career record for the horse. Total starts: Wins, Places, Show. | Last 6 Result Finishing position for the horse’s last six races. | Prize Money Total prizemoney won by the horse. | Win The percentage of races that a horse has run in, that it has won. | Place The percentage of races that a horse has run in, that it has placed. | Show The percentage of races that a horse has run in, that it has showed. | Odds |
1.Set And Match (1) T: R. Lazzaro J: G. Damian (123lbs) | - | 19: 2-4-3 | 564204 | $7.1K | 11% | 32% | 47% | 6-1 |
2.Portal Del Rey (2) T: C. Lombardo J: J. Luis (119lbs) | - | 3: 2-1-0 | 11x2 | $2.8K | 67% | 100% | 100% | 15-1 |
3.El Sonado (3) T: C. Vilche J: T. Daniel (123lbs) | - | 8: 5-2-0 | x2x219 | $12K | 63% | 88% | 88% | 7-2 |
4.Owen Hunt (4) T: O. Rodriguez J: L. Ignacio (123lbs) | - | 2: 0-0-0 | FxFx | - | 0% | 0% | 0% | 8-1 |
5.Legendario Blue (5) T: R. F J: C. Ernesto (119lbs) | - | 13: 2-3-3 | 3x5Fx4 | $377 | 15% | 38% | 62% | 5-1 |
6.Sirano Halo (6) T: P. Dotzel J: A. Belen (123lbs) | - | 10: 4-0-2 | 311x44 | - | 40% | 40% | 60% | 7-2 |
7.Que Presumido (7) T: G. Mateos J: L. Jesus (137lbs) | - | 2: 0-0-1 | 3x4x | $534 | 0% | 0% | 50% | 7-1 |
8.Perica Runner (8) T: J. Giles J: R. Alejandro (110lbs) | - | 5: 2-0-1 | 1x34x4 | $539 | 40% | 40% | 60% | 10-1 |
R11 - Race 11 - Maiden
Past Performances
Horse (Post Pos) | Rating The official handicap rating for the horse. | Career The career record for the horse. Total starts: Wins, Places, Show. | Last 6 Result Finishing position for the horse’s last six races. | Prize Money Total prizemoney won by the horse. | Win The percentage of races that a horse has run in, that it has won. | Place The percentage of races that a horse has run in, that it has placed. | Show The percentage of races that a horse has run in, that it has showed. | Odds |
1.Hefestos (1) T: O. Fontan J: E. Ortega (126lbs) | - | 7: 0-3-1 | x5x223 | $1.8K | 0% | 43% | 57% | 20-1 |
2.Grazias Amigo (2) T: I. Cordoba J: A. Allois (126lbs) | - | 2: 0-0-1 | 03x | $545 | 0% | 0% | 50% | 5-1 |
3.Dark Ninja (3) T: A. Martinez J: F. Daniel (126lbs) | - | 3: 0-1-0 | 0xFx2 | - | 0% | 33% | 33% | 8-1 |
4.El Moonwalk (4) T: L. Dimaro J: G. Damian (126lbs) | - | 5: 0-1-0 | 2x4x7x | $370 | 0% | 20% | 20% | 9-2 |
5.Eclos (5) T: R. Gonzalez J: J. Ernesto (126lbs) | - | 6: 0-0-0 | 877x7x | - | 0% | 0% | 0% | 20-1 |
6.Old Mario (6) T: L. Mansilla J: J. Guida (126lbs) | - | 5: 0-0-0 | 556x67 | - | 0% | 0% | 0% | 5-1 |
7.Happy Fitz (7) T: G. Romero J: F. Jesus (126lbs) | - | 1: 0-0-0 | Fx | - | 0% | 0% | 0% | 50-1 |
8.El Rose (8) T: J. Ruvelli J: M. Ruben (126lbs) | - | 0: 0-0-0 | - | - | 0% | 0% | 0% | 20-1 |
9.I'm In You (9) T: F. Olivera | - | 2: 0-0-0 | 08 | - | 0% | 0% | 0% | 50-1 |
10.Le Bateau (10) T: M. Cafere J: R. Ariel (126lbs) | - | 6: 0-0-2 | 36Fx55 | $1.4K | 0% | 0% | 33% | 5-2 |
11.Alpino De Triomphe (11) T: L. Sanchez J: M. Eugenia (126lbs) | - | 3: 0-0-0 | FxFx6 | - | 0% | 0% | 0% | 15-1 |
12.Navarathinam (12) T: J. Godoy | - | 0: 0-0-0 | - | - | 0% | 0% | 0% | 15-1 |
13.Catch The Leaf (13) T: L. Dimaro | - | 6: 0-0-1 | 4x6x7x | - | 0% | 0% | 17% | 8-1 |
14.Anto D (14) T: N. Bello J: R. Ezequiel (126lbs) | - | 1: 0-0-1 | 3 | $202 | 0% | 0% | 100% | 10-1 |
15.Gainsbourg (15) T: A. Martinez J: R. Daniel (126lbs) | - | 5: 0-0-1 | x5x6x3 | - | 0% | 0% | 20% | 12-1 |
R12 - Race 12 - Maiden
7F 209Y
Past Performances
Horse (Post Pos) | Rating The official handicap rating for the horse. | Career The career record for the horse. Total starts: Wins, Places, Show. | Last 6 Result Finishing position for the horse’s last six races. | Prize Money Total prizemoney won by the horse. | Win The percentage of races that a horse has run in, that it has won. | Place The percentage of races that a horse has run in, that it has placed. | Show The percentage of races that a horse has run in, that it has showed. | Odds |
1.Navaja Oculta (1) T: A. Calcagno | - | 5: 0-0-1 | 07x737 | - | 0% | 0% | 20% | 50-1 |
2.La De Kansas (2) T: J. Giussi J: L. Mariana (123lbs) | - | 4: 0-0-0 | 0970x | - | 0% | 0% | 0% | 20-1 |
3.Hit It A True (3) T: J. Etchechoury J: L. Emmanuel (123lbs) | - | 1: 0-0-0 | 0 | - | 0% | 0% | 0% | 50-1 |
4.Inventariada (4) T: O. Padilla J: J. Del (123lbs) | - | 2: 0-0-0 | F5x | - | 0% | 0% | 0% | 50-1 |
5.Huge Storm (5) T: J. Cravero J: R. Ariel (123lbs) | - | 6: 0-0-0 | F76x94 | - | 0% | 0% | 0% | 50-1 |
6.Tin Sea (6) T: E. Bortule J: F. Leandro (123lbs) | - | 1: 0-0-0 | 7x | - | 0% | 0% | 0% | 8-1 |
7.My Sound (7) T: P. Diaz J: D. Eduardo (123lbs) | - | 2: 0-0-0 | 4x5 | - | 0% | 0% | 0% | 30-1 |
8.La Cordial (8) T: P. Sahagian J: J. Pablo (123lbs) | - | 2: 0-0-0 | 86 | - | 0% | 0% | 0% | 12-1 |
9.Playita Moi (9) T: R. Ricchi J: J. Luis (123lbs) | - | 2: 0-0-0 | F5x | - | 0% | 0% | 0% | 20-1 |
10.Rayo Girl (10) T: J. Saldivia J: A. Exequiel (123lbs) | - | 4: 0-3-0 | 2224 | $2.1K | 0% | 75% | 75% | 9-2 |
11.Dona Cereza (11) T: C. Etchechoury J: M. Eugenia (123lbs) | - | 2: 0-0-1 | 03 | $278 | 0% | 0% | 50% | 7-2 |
12.Ronsina Remota (12) T: J. Saldivia | - | 1: 0-0-1 | 3 | $278 | 0% | 0% | 100% | 5-2 |
13.Go Do Si (13) T: J. Etchechoury J: W. A (123lbs) | - | 3: 0-0-0 | 707 | - | 0% | 0% | 0% | 30-1 |
14.Fontanela (14) T: G. Frenkel J: P. Aramis (123lbs) | - | 7: 0-2-3 | 8x3243 | - | 0% | 29% | 71% | 5-2 |