Valparaiso Sporting Club Entries (01/23/2025)
See all Valparaiso Sporting Club entries for races this Thursday, 01/23/2025
R1 - Race 1 - Faro Carranza
Past Performances
Horse (Post Pos) | Rating The official handicap rating for the horse. | Career The career record for the horse. Total starts: Wins, Places, Show. | Last 6 Result Finishing position for the horse’s last six races. | Prize Money Total prizemoney won by the horse. | Win The percentage of races that a horse has run in, that it has won. | Place The percentage of races that a horse has run in, that it has placed. | Show The percentage of races that a horse has run in, that it has showed. | Odds |
1.Sueno Del Alma (1) T: R. S J: W. Quinteros (126lbs) | - | 31: 6-1-6 | F40074 | $2.5K | 19% | 23% | 42% | 14-1 |
2.Gocce (2) T: L. A J: J. Medina (126lbs) | - | 17: 1-0-0 | 806404 | $1.6K | 6% | 6% | 6% | N/A |
3.Cat Bay (3) T: W. R J: J. Heiden (126lbs) | - | 40: 6-4-9 | 842509 | $1.2K | 15% | 25% | 48% | 20-1 |
4.War Mican (4) T: R. T J: I. Villagran (126lbs) | - | 39: 1-5-9 | 966036 | $354 | 3% | 15% | 38% | 10-1 |
5.Rio Perez (5) T: J. O J: S. Gonzalez (126lbs) | - | 20: 1-1-4 | 109963 | $1.9K | 5% | 10% | 30% | 14-1 |
6.Tropical Spirit (6) T: L. A J: T. Seith (126lbs) | - | 27: 2-5-4 | 9F9503 | $2.3K | 7% | 26% | 41% | 8-1 |
7.Defensor Rojo (7) T: E. Donoso J: R. S (126lbs) | - | 22: 4-2-4 | 41084x | $1.6K | 18% | 27% | 45% | 8-1 |
8.Narcisista (8) T: W. D J: N. Ramirez (126lbs) | - | 51: 6-3-1 | 055453 | $4.1K | 12% | 18% | 20% | 2-1 |
9.Afirmate Gato (9) T: J. R J: M. A (126lbs) | - | 35: 2-7-3 | 025064 | $3.9K | 6% | 26% | 34% | 2-1 |
10.Justinsito Crack (10) T: J. R J: D. Carvacho (126lbs) | - | 53: 5-4-5 | 643009 | $498 | 9% | 17% | 26% | 11-1 |
11.Das Alegria (11) T: W. D J: J. Herrera (126lbs) | - | 24: 1-2-1 | 300004 | $760 | 4% | 13% | 17% | 8-1 |
R2 - Race 2 - Fintoso
Past Performances
Horse (Post Pos) | Rating The official handicap rating for the horse. | Career The career record for the horse. Total starts: Wins, Places, Show. | Last 6 Result Finishing position for the horse’s last six races. | Prize Money Total prizemoney won by the horse. | Win The percentage of races that a horse has run in, that it has won. | Place The percentage of races that a horse has run in, that it has placed. | Show The percentage of races that a horse has run in, that it has showed. | Odds |
1.Sigue Luchando (1) T: L. T J: I. Valdivia (126lbs) | - | 21: 1-2-5 | 094328 | $2.3K | 5% | 14% | 38% | 16-1 |
2.Luca Brasi (2) T: C. P J: J. Eyzaguirre (126lbs) | - | 36: 5-5-2 | 0F8879 | $248 | 14% | 28% | 33% | 13-2 |
3.El Bigote (3) T: R. S J: L. D (126lbs) | - | 10: 0-0-2 | 855838 | $158 | 0% | 0% | 20% | 25-1 |
4.White Sand (4) T: B. A J: C. Ortega (126lbs) | - | 14: 1-1-0 | 659848 | $381 | 7% | 14% | 14% | N/A |
5.Rosa Coqueta (5) T: B. A J: N. Ramirez (126lbs) | - | 41: 5-5-4 | 52657F | $954 | 12% | 24% | 34% | 14-1 |
6.Super Pirata (6) T: R. T J: J. Herrera (126lbs) | - | 35: 2-7-2 | 477896 | $771 | 6% | 26% | 31% | 2-1 |
7.Joven Sanchis (7) T: A. Norambuena J: B. Sancho (126lbs) | - | 26: 2-7-4 | 745374 | $3.9K | 8% | 35% | 50% | 8-1 |
8.Piraton (8) T: R. T J: I. Vargas (126lbs) | - | 30: 4-1-5 | 100004 | $2.8K | 13% | 17% | 33% | 4-1 |
9.Bone Less (9) T: J. O J: G. Rodriguez (126lbs) | - | 35: 4-4-6 | 37880F | $408 | 11% | 23% | 40% | 6-1 |
10.Makkrix (10) T: R. S J: W. Quinteros (126lbs) | - | 23: 4-1-7 | 1FFx39 | $5.7K | 17% | 22% | 52% | 12-1 |
11.Humor Genial (11) T: E. Caballeria J: T. Seith (126lbs) | - | 28: 2-6-1 | 895070 | $2.3K | 7% | 29% | 32% | 33-1 |
12.Cotto (12) T: G. C J: J. Cueto (126lbs) | - | 16: 0-1-0 | 767660 | - | 0% | 6% | 6% | N/A |
R3 - Race 3 - Focalizado
Past Performances
Horse (Post Pos) | Rating The official handicap rating for the horse. | Career The career record for the horse. Total starts: Wins, Places, Show. | Last 6 Result Finishing position for the horse’s last six races. | Prize Money Total prizemoney won by the horse. | Win The percentage of races that a horse has run in, that it has won. | Place The percentage of races that a horse has run in, that it has placed. | Show The percentage of races that a horse has run in, that it has showed. | Odds |
1.Tata Walo (1) T: G. C J: G. Rodriguez (126lbs) | - | 5: 0-0-1 | 93604 | $200 | 0% | 0% | 20% | N/A |
2.Kent Boss (2) T: A. Norambuena J: R. L (126lbs) | - | 4: 0-0-0 | 0000 | - | 0% | 0% | 0% | N/A |
3.Gladiador Art (3) T: V. Moris J: R. Fuenzalida (126lbs) | - | 9: 0-1-0 | 885627 | - | 0% | 11% | 11% | N/A |
4.Zim (4) T: L. T J: N. Ramirez (126lbs) | - | 1: 0-0-1 | 3 | $186 | 0% | 0% | 100% | N/A |
5.Peterdan Warrior (5) T: G. C J: J. Heiden (126lbs) | - | 4: 0-0-0 | 0980x | - | 0% | 0% | 0% | N/A |
6.Vikingo (6) T: R. S J: L. D (126lbs) | - | 2: 0-0-0 | 80 | - | 0% | 0% | 0% | N/A |
7.Izakaya (7) T: L. T J: I. Valdivia (126lbs) | - | 11: 1-1-2 | 827331 | $1.8K | 9% | 18% | 36% | 25-1 |
8.Loco Hermes (8) T: R. S J: W. Quinteros (126lbs) | - | 7: 0-0-0 | 008088 | - | 0% | 0% | 0% | N/A |
R4 - Race 4 - Foggy Day
Past Performances
Horse (Post Pos) | Rating The official handicap rating for the horse. | Career The career record for the horse. Total starts: Wins, Places, Show. | Last 6 Result Finishing position for the horse’s last six races. | Prize Money Total prizemoney won by the horse. | Win The percentage of races that a horse has run in, that it has won. | Place The percentage of races that a horse has run in, that it has placed. | Show The percentage of races that a horse has run in, that it has showed. | Odds |
1.Mala Memoria (1) T: L. A J: J. Heiden (123lbs) | - | 13: 3-1-2 | 180086 | $2.8K | 23% | 31% | 46% | N/A |
2.El Carinoso (2) T: D. D J: R. S (126lbs) | - | 32: 2-6-2 | 205550 | $3.3K | 6% | 25% | 31% | 25-1 |
3.La Banda Verde (3) T: J. M J: I. Villagran (128lbs) | - | 10: 2-0-0 | 810880 | $1.5K | 20% | 20% | 20% | N/A |
4.Romula (4) T: W. D J: N. Ramirez (123lbs) | - | 9: 0-1-3 | 249300 | $735 | 0% | 11% | 44% | N/A |
5.Ramblinrose (5) T: L. T J: C. Poblete (126lbs) | - | 44: 4-2-4 | 479321 | $4K | 9% | 14% | 23% | 12-1 |
6.Merengada (6) T: B. A J: D. Carvacho (123lbs) | - | 18: 5-1-3 | 087058 | - | 28% | 33% | 50% | 20-1 |
7.Watakin (7) T: J. O J: G. Rodriguez (128lbs) | - | 18: 2-2-1 | 244771 | $3.9K | 11% | 22% | 28% | N/A |
8.Mipipo (8) T: L. T J: I. Valdivia (126lbs) | - | 12: 1-0-0 | 184060 | $1.6K | 8% | 8% | 8% | N/A |
9.Gran Mohicano (9) T: C. P J: G. A (128lbs) | - | 15: 2-4-1 | 664467 | $1.7K | 13% | 40% | 47% | N/A |
10.Gran Abu Yalil (10) T: G. I J: J. Medina (126lbs) | - | 34: 3-6-11 | 627253 | $1.1K | 9% | 26% | 59% | 14-1 |
11.Pazzelle (11) T: E. Caballeria J: C. Diaz (128lbs) | - | 44: 7-3-5 | 778134 | $5.6K | 16% | 23% | 34% | 12-1 |
R5 - Race 5 - Fairy Baby
Past Performances
Horse (Post Pos) | Rating The official handicap rating for the horse. | Career The career record for the horse. Total starts: Wins, Places, Show. | Last 6 Result Finishing position for the horse’s last six races. | Prize Money Total prizemoney won by the horse. | Win The percentage of races that a horse has run in, that it has won. | Place The percentage of races that a horse has run in, that it has placed. | Show The percentage of races that a horse has run in, that it has showed. | Odds |
1.Creed (1) T: O. H J: B. Sancho (123lbs) | - | 18: 2-1-3 | x38681 | $1.3K | 11% | 17% | 33% | 25-1 |
2.Michelitina (2) T: J. M J: I. Villagran (126lbs) | - | 34: 6-7-6 | 705277 | $688 | 18% | 38% | 56% | 12-1 |
3.Top Lemon (3) T: L. A J: J. Medina (128lbs) | - | 9: 2-1-0 | x1x00x | $1.4K | 22% | 33% | 33% | 16-1 |
4.Severus Snape (4) T: A. Norambuena J: C. Ortega (121lbs) | - | 24: 4-7-1 | 421x6x | - | 17% | 46% | 50% | 33-1 |
5.Carmel Beach (5) T: R. T J: S. Gonzalez (123lbs) | - | 4: 1-2-0 | 5212 | $2K | 25% | 75% | 75% | N/A |
6.Zagat (6) T: S. M J: J. Heiden (123lbs) | - | 8: 3-2-1 | 122Fx0 | $2K | 38% | 63% | 75% | 20-1 |
7.Exaggerator Love (7) T: V. Moris J: J. m (126lbs) | - | 40: 3-4-0 | 969012 | $3.4K | 8% | 18% | 18% | 20-1 |
8.Stevens For Record (8) T: B. A J: D. Carvacho (126lbs) | - | 35: 6-4-3 | 801510 | $4.7K | 17% | 29% | 37% | 8-1 |
9.Gran Morron (9) T: S. M J: G. A (128lbs) | - | 21: 5-4-1 | 000x15 | $1.3K | 24% | 43% | 48% | 4-1 |
10.Sausalito (10) T: L. T J: N. Ramirez (126lbs) | - | 14: 1-3-1 | 626202 | $1.4K | 7% | 29% | 36% | N/A |
R6 - Race 6 - Faruk
Past Performances
Horse (Post Pos) | Rating The official handicap rating for the horse. | Career The career record for the horse. Total starts: Wins, Places, Show. | Last 6 Result Finishing position for the horse’s last six races. | Prize Money Total prizemoney won by the horse. | Win The percentage of races that a horse has run in, that it has won. | Place The percentage of races that a horse has run in, that it has placed. | Show The percentage of races that a horse has run in, that it has showed. | Odds |
1.Regalon Mio (1) T: G. C J: J. Eyzaguirre (126lbs) | - | 23: 1-0-3 | 000675 | $1.1K | 4% | 4% | 17% | 16-1 |
2.Japoneitor (2) T: R. S J: L. D (126lbs) | - | 23: 0-2-0 | 048485 | $1.1K | 0% | 9% | 9% | 20-1 |
3.El Sheldon (3) T: W. Ara J: J. Cueto (126lbs) | - | 30: 1-0-3 | 000006 | - | 3% | 3% | 13% | 33-1 |
4.You And I (4) T: J. L J: G. A (126lbs) | - | 21: 3-3-2 | 422x75 | $847 | 14% | 29% | 38% | 11-2 |
5.Rawson (5) T: L. T J: M. A (126lbs) | - | 17: 1-1-1 | 640009 | $1.4K | 6% | 12% | 18% | N/A |
6.Romatri (6) T: S. Salazar J: D. Carvacho (126lbs) | - | 14: 1-0-1 | 097507 | $233 | 7% | 7% | 14% | N/A |
7.Escuela Antigua (7) T: J. M J: I. Villagran (126lbs) | - | 24: 3-3-4 | 13x846 | $146 | 13% | 25% | 42% | 25-1 |
8.Mi Nanita (8) T: L. T J: G. Rodriguez (126lbs) | - | 19: 0-3-3 | 828050 | $412 | 0% | 16% | 32% | 25-1 |
9.Aladdin Prince (9) T: D. D J: R. S (126lbs) | - | 39: 7-4-3 | 747058 | $1.6K | 18% | 28% | 36% | 16-1 |
R7 - Race 7 - Flexton
Past Performances
Horse (Post Pos) | Rating The official handicap rating for the horse. | Career The career record for the horse. Total starts: Wins, Places, Show. | Last 6 Result Finishing position for the horse’s last six races. | Prize Money Total prizemoney won by the horse. | Win The percentage of races that a horse has run in, that it has won. | Place The percentage of races that a horse has run in, that it has placed. | Show The percentage of races that a horse has run in, that it has showed. | Odds |
1.Regalito (1) T: G. G J: S. Gonzalez (123lbs) | - | 42: 3-5-7 | 556423 | $2K | 7% | 19% | 36% | 6-1 |
2.Conducta Infame (2) T: W. D J: L. D (126lbs) | - | 13: 1-0-1 | 969953 | $372 | 8% | 8% | 15% | 25-1 |
3.Informatica (3) T: A. Norambuena J: C. Ortega (128lbs) | - | 45: 6-5-4 | 166464 | $7.3K | 13% | 24% | 33% | 20-1 |
4.Viaje A Marte (4) T: O. H J: M. A (123lbs) | - | 5: 0-0-0 | Fx4695 | $109 | 0% | 0% | 0% | 4-1 |
5.Ouro (5) T: C. P J: B. Sancho (123lbs) | - | 17: 3-4-3 | 9x703x | $214 | 18% | 41% | 59% | 4-1 |
6.Sound Court (6) T: L. T J: N. Ramirez (123lbs) | - | 25: 0-7-4 | 906F08 | $941 | 0% | 28% | 44% | 6-1 |
7.Varese (7) T: R. T J: J. Herrera (128lbs) | - | 14: 1-3-3 | 632166 | $2.8K | 7% | 29% | 50% | N/A |
8.Gran Romano (8) T: W. D J: G. A (123lbs) | - | 13: 1-1-2 | 330002 | $858 | 8% | 15% | 31% | 10-1 |
9.Di Alba (9) T: W. R J: G. Rodriguez (128lbs) | - | 10: 2-0-0 | 100109 | $2.7K | 20% | 20% | 20% | N/A |
10.Andiamo Tutti (10) T: W. D J: T. Seith (123lbs) | - | 34: 4-0-3 | 080F60 | $1.9K | 12% | 12% | 21% | 4-1 |
11.Radio Teatro (11) T: V. Moris J: F. Tapia (128lbs) | - | 47: 10-2-7 | 705423 | $2.5K | 21% | 26% | 40% | 25-1 |
R8 - Race 8 - Fantin
Past Performances
Horse (Post Pos) | Rating The official handicap rating for the horse. | Career The career record for the horse. Total starts: Wins, Places, Show. | Last 6 Result Finishing position for the horse’s last six races. | Prize Money Total prizemoney won by the horse. | Win The percentage of races that a horse has run in, that it has won. | Place The percentage of races that a horse has run in, that it has placed. | Show The percentage of races that a horse has run in, that it has showed. | Odds |
1.Tamburellito (1) T: D. D J: R. S (126lbs) | - | 26: 1-2-3 | 000890 | - | 4% | 12% | 23% | 20-1 |
2.Llena De Amistad (2) T: W. D J: T. Seith (126lbs) | - | 17: 2-2-2 | 569568 | $1.5K | 12% | 24% | 35% | N/A |
3.Darcy Pink (3) T: R. Olivares J: I. Villagran (126lbs) | - | 16: 1-0-0 | 000000 | $1.3K | 6% | 6% | 6% | 12-1 |
4.Tipantu (4) T: J. M J: R. Fuenzalida (126lbs) | - | 13: 1-0-0 | 090006 | - | 8% | 8% | 8% | N/A |
5.Suzzanne (5) T: W. Ara J: G. A (126lbs) | - | 29: 3-2-1 | 973484 | $520 | 10% | 17% | 21% | 33-1 |
6.Tan Decorativa (6) T: S. Salazar J: D. Carvacho (126lbs) | - | 35: 0-3-8 | 907246 | $914 | 0% | 9% | 31% | 10-1 |
7.Dona Pilo (7) T: S. M J: C. Ortega (126lbs) | - | 19: 1-3-2 | 993855 | $2.6K | 5% | 21% | 32% | N/A |
8.Princesita Bella (8) T: V. Moris J: J. Heiden (126lbs) | - | 7: 1-0-0 | 00000x | - | 14% | 14% | 14% | N/A |
9.Alashdi (9) T: R. S J: M. Gutierrez (126lbs) | - | 43: 5-1-2 | 009585 | - | 12% | 14% | 19% | 33-1 |
10.Lorenza Emilia (10) T: W. R J: M. A (126lbs) | - | 18: 0-1-0 | 000207 | $410 | 0% | 6% | 6% | N/A |
R9 - Race 9 - Solaria,
Past Performances
Horse (Post Pos) | Rating The official handicap rating for the horse. | Career The career record for the horse. Total starts: Wins, Places, Show. | Last 6 Result Finishing position for the horse’s last six races. | Prize Money Total prizemoney won by the horse. | Win The percentage of races that a horse has run in, that it has won. | Place The percentage of races that a horse has run in, that it has placed. | Show The percentage of races that a horse has run in, that it has showed. | Odds |
1.Reina De Espana (1) T: O. H J: C. E (119lbs) | - | 14: 4-1-2 | 950383 | $829 | 29% | 36% | 50% | 6-1 |
2.Back To Black (2) T: L. T J: N. Ramirez (119lbs) | - | 9: 4-0-2 | 10x411 | $2.9K | 44% | 44% | 67% | N/A |
3.Reitha (3) T: J. J J: J. Medina (123lbs) | - | 5: 2-2-0 | x21x27 | $1.7K | 40% | 80% | 80% | N/A |
4.Santa Isa (4) T: G. I J: I. Valdivia (119lbs) | - | 18: 2-3-2 | 060942 | $642 | 11% | 28% | 39% | 10-1 |
5.Malamala (5) T: L. B J: J. A (119lbs) | - | 23: 5-2-2 | 441112 | $3.8K | 22% | 30% | 39% | 8-1 |
6.Sad Song (6) T: A. E J: J. Herrera (119lbs) | - | 10: 1-1-1 | 936900 | $493 | 10% | 20% | 30% | N/A |
7.Angeolina (7) T: A. E J: A. Varas (119lbs) | - | 9: 1-2-2 | 21894x | $689 | 11% | 33% | 56% | N/A |
8.Love Again (8) T: C. H J: B. Sancho (119lbs) | - | 5: 1-1-0 | 210x00 | - | 20% | 40% | 40% | N/A |
9.Gran Gallega (9) T: G. C J: G. A (128lbs) | - | 27: 5-4-5 | F03219 | $5.9K | 19% | 33% | 52% | 25-1 |
10.Dubai Village (10) T: R. S J: M. Gutierrez (119lbs) | - | 15: 3-2-4 | 251166 | $9.2K | 20% | 33% | 60% | N/A |
R10 - Race 10 - Fox
Past Performances
Horse (Post Pos) | Rating The official handicap rating for the horse. | Career The career record for the horse. Total starts: Wins, Places, Show. | Last 6 Result Finishing position for the horse’s last six races. | Prize Money Total prizemoney won by the horse. | Win The percentage of races that a horse has run in, that it has won. | Place The percentage of races that a horse has run in, that it has placed. | Show The percentage of races that a horse has run in, that it has showed. | Odds |
1.El Senor Anguita (1) T: J. O J: S. Gonzalez (123lbs) | - | 10: 0-1-1 | 704552 | $512 | 0% | 10% | 20% | N/A |
2.Orgullosa Maria (2) T: A. Norambuena J: J. Cueto (126lbs) | - | 28: 3-3-1 | 125965 | $2.1K | 11% | 21% | 25% | 4-1 |
3.Fiore Di Campo (3) T: L. A J: T. Seith (126lbs) | - | 16: 1-3-4 | 724333 | $3.3K | 6% | 25% | 50% | N/A |
4.Viene Puelche (4) T: S. Salazar J: L. D (123lbs) | - | 49: 4-4-6 | 108808 | $3.5K | 8% | 16% | 29% | 33-1 |
5.Arrancate Pairino (5) T: G. I J: G. A (123lbs) | - | 43: 7-8-1 | 046420 | $3K | 16% | 35% | 37% | 12-1 |
6.Indian Wolf (6) T: B. A J: D. Carvacho (123lbs) | - | 38: 5-6-8 | x23379 | $875 | 13% | 29% | 50% | 10-1 |
7.Lucky Boss (7) T: L. T J: I. Valdivia (126lbs) | - | 53: 5-4-8 | 285971 | $3.3K | 9% | 17% | 32% | 10-1 |
8.Tanytus (8) T: E. Caballeria J: C. Ortega (126lbs) | - | 18: 2-1-0 | 661702 | $1.7K | 11% | 17% | 17% | N/A |
9.Haytor El Imperial (9) T: B. A J: M. A (128lbs) | - | 5: 1-0-0 | 091x00 | - | 20% | 20% | 20% | N/A |
10.Road King (10) T: R. Olivares J: R. Fuenzalida (126lbs) | - | 52: 8-8-2 | 481000 | $3.4K | 15% | 31% | 35% | 12-1 |
11.Las Flores (11) T: L. A J: R. S (126lbs) | - | 16: 2-2-1 | 7F7147 | $2.8K | 13% | 25% | 31% | N/A |
12.Mister Cesar (12) T: J. M J: B. Sancho (128lbs) | - | 34: 5-4-4 | 059094 | $156 | 15% | 26% | 38% | 6-1 |
13.Roman War (13) T: L. T J: J. Herrera (128lbs) | - | 48: 6-9-5 | 108032 | $2K | 13% | 31% | 42% | 10-1 |
R11 - Race 11 - Filibustero
Past Performances
Horse (Post Pos) | Rating The official handicap rating for the horse. | Career The career record for the horse. Total starts: Wins, Places, Show. | Last 6 Result Finishing position for the horse’s last six races. | Prize Money Total prizemoney won by the horse. | Win The percentage of races that a horse has run in, that it has won. | Place The percentage of races that a horse has run in, that it has placed. | Show The percentage of races that a horse has run in, that it has showed. | Odds |
1.Nena Pituca (1) T: E. Caballeria J: G. Rodriguez (126lbs) | - | 16: 1-0-2 | 000505 | $1.8K | 6% | 6% | 19% | N/A |
2.Capri La Bella (2) T: A. Norambuena J: C. Ortega (126lbs) | - | 17: 2-2-2 | 300005 | $332 | 12% | 24% | 35% | 4-1 |
3.Gran Cafrune (3) T: E. Caballeria J: C. Diaz (128lbs) | - | 47: 4-5-7 | 43F151 | $6.9K | 9% | 19% | 34% | 10-1 |
4.Roy Para Un Poco (4) T: W. D J: N. Ramirez (126lbs) | - | 36: 4-7-2 | 6FF233 | $4K | 11% | 31% | 36% | 5-1 |
5.Happy Fishetman (5) T: G. I J: G. A (126lbs) | - | 41: 1-8-9 | 335856 | $3.8K | 2% | 22% | 44% | 16-1 |
6.Rojo Burgues (6) T: G. I J: L. D (126lbs) | - | 29: 2-2-4 | 440029 | $2K | 7% | 14% | 28% | 16-1 |
7.Van A Ver (7) T: L. T J: J. Medina (128lbs) | - | 28: 3-6-3 | 217364 | $2.8K | 11% | 32% | 43% | 8-1 |
8.Go Go Next (8) T: W. Ara J: J. Cueto (126lbs) | - | 14: 0-3-0 | 765240 | $421 | 0% | 21% | 21% | N/A |
9.Big Wallace (9) T: A. Norambuena J: T. Seith (128lbs) | - | 55: 9-9-5 | 4180F5 | $2.6K | 16% | 33% | 42% | 20-1 |
10.El Veneco (10) T: W. D J: B. Sancho (126lbs) | - | 17: 2-5-1 | 523427 | $3.8K | 12% | 41% | 47% | N/A |
11.Rubio Alocado (11) T: J. M J: R. Fuenzalida (128lbs) | - | 44: 4-6-4 | 215028 | $3.6K | 9% | 23% | 32% | 4-1 |
12.Exultante (12) T: G. C J: S. Gonzalez (128lbs) | - | 25: 3-4-4 | 914472 | $2K | 12% | 28% | 44% | 7-1 |
R12 - Race 12 - Foscarito
Past Performances
Horse (Post Pos) | Rating The official handicap rating for the horse. | Career The career record for the horse. Total starts: Wins, Places, Show. | Last 6 Result Finishing position for the horse’s last six races. | Prize Money Total prizemoney won by the horse. | Win The percentage of races that a horse has run in, that it has won. | Place The percentage of races that a horse has run in, that it has placed. | Show The percentage of races that a horse has run in, that it has showed. | Odds |
1.Marsali (1) T: B. A J: D. Carvacho (121lbs) | - | 32: 7-2-5 | 1417x0 | - | 22% | 28% | 44% | 14-1 |
2.Sol De Troya (2) T: G. C J: B. Sancho (126lbs) | - | 13: 3-1-3 | 681136 | $3.8K | 23% | 31% | 54% | N/A |
3.Gran Espartaco (3) T: C. P J: F. Tapia (128lbs) | - | 14: 3-1-1 | 134685 | $3.2K | 21% | 29% | 36% | N/A |
4.Winning Point (4) T: L. T J: I. Valdivia (121lbs) | - | 46: 7-7-4 | 285259 | $3.4K | 15% | 30% | 39% | 8-1 |
5.Union Army (5) T: E. Caballeria J: G. Rodriguez (123lbs) | - | 48: 4-6-7 | 800435 | $2.6K | 8% | 21% | 35% | 20-1 |
6.State Of Grace (6) T: C. M J: L. D (121lbs) | - | 18: 5-3-3 | 161753 | $4K | 28% | 44% | 61% | 14-1 |
7.Levantate Bebe (7) T: J. M J: R. Fuenzalida (128lbs) | - | 40: 5-6-7 | 838177 | $2.7K | 13% | 28% | 45% | 6-1 |
8.Ted (8) T: E. Caballeria J: C. Ortega (123lbs) | - | 32: 6-1-4 | 260313 | $2.9K | 19% | 22% | 34% | 20-1 |
9.Dictatorial (9) T: A. Norambuena J: J. Cueto (128lbs) | - | 33: 5-6-5 | 0x7099 | - | 15% | 33% | 48% | 20-1 |
10.Ropopompom (10) T: J. R J: J. Herrera (123lbs) | - | 15: 3-2-1 | 405251 | $2.8K | 20% | 33% | 40% | N/A |
11.Huevo De Chocolate (11) T: L. T J: J. Medina (128lbs) | - | 16: 3-3-0 | 572112 | $6.1K | 19% | 38% | 38% | N/A |
R13 - Race 13 - Fe Blanda
Past Performances
Horse (Post Pos) | Rating The official handicap rating for the horse. | Career The career record for the horse. Total starts: Wins, Places, Show. | Last 6 Result Finishing position for the horse’s last six races. | Prize Money Total prizemoney won by the horse. | Win The percentage of races that a horse has run in, that it has won. | Place The percentage of races that a horse has run in, that it has placed. | Show The percentage of races that a horse has run in, that it has showed. | Odds |
1.Por Mi Mismo (1) T: W. D J: B. Sancho (121lbs) | - | 30: 9-3-3 | 193937 | $1.7K | 30% | 40% | 50% | 8-1 |
2.Cederic (2) T: A. Norambuena J: S. Gonzalez (123lbs) | - | 23: 5-4-1 | 410615 | $6.7K | 22% | 39% | 43% | 20-1 |
3.El Tanque Agus (3) T: R. S J: W. Quinteros (126lbs) | - | 18: 4-4-1 | 582250 | $6.3K | 22% | 44% | 50% | N/A |
4.Vino Fuerte (4) T: J. O J: M. A (121lbs) | - | 20: 3-3-0 | 700008 | $3.5K | 15% | 30% | 30% | N/A |
5.El Italiano (5) T: A. Norambuena J: J. Cueto (121lbs) | - | 15: 3-4-1 | 44x110 | $4K | 20% | 47% | 53% | N/A |
6.Respect The Game (6) T: O. L J: T. Seith (121lbs) | - | 49: 8-8-4 | 104514 | $5.3K | 16% | 33% | 41% | 20-1 |
7.Bombonete (7) T: L. T J: J. Medina (123lbs) | - | 24: 1-4-4 | 634223 | $1.9K | 4% | 21% | 38% | 16-1 |
8.El Gran Pirata (8) T: R. T J: I. Valdivia (121lbs) | - | 41: 8-8-3 | 056726 | $2.4K | 20% | 39% | 46% | 10-1 |
9.Frank Slade (9) T: B. A J: D. Carvacho (128lbs) | - | 33: 5-4-9 | 971410 | $3.1K | 15% | 27% | 55% | 8-1 |
10.Aneu (10) T: J. R J: G. Rodriguez (121lbs) | - | 9: 2-1-0 | 029175 | $1.8K | 22% | 33% | 33% | N/A |
11.Ferragamo (11) T: L. C J: J. Herrera (126lbs) | - | 9: 4-1-3 | 12x36x | $3.7K | 44% | 56% | 89% | N/A |
12.My Hero (12) T: M. O J: C. Ortega (128lbs) | - | 6: 1-0-1 | 6F3144 | $4K | 17% | 17% | 33% | 15-1 |
13.Soul Queen (13) T: E. Caballeria J: C. Diaz (128lbs) | - | 27: 3-6-1 | 060009 | - | 11% | 33% | 37% | 20-1 |
R14 - Race 14 - Fe Pura
Past Performances
Horse (Post Pos) | Rating The official handicap rating for the horse. | Career The career record for the horse. Total starts: Wins, Places, Show. | Last 6 Result Finishing position for the horse’s last six races. | Prize Money Total prizemoney won by the horse. | Win The percentage of races that a horse has run in, that it has won. | Place The percentage of races that a horse has run in, that it has placed. | Show The percentage of races that a horse has run in, that it has showed. | Odds |
1.Corazon Noble (1) T: E. Caballeria J: C. Diaz (121lbs) | - | 34: 6-5-2 | 680877 | $2.9K | 18% | 32% | 38% | 2-1 |
2.Golden East (2) T: C. P J: B. Sancho (130lbs) | - | 32: 6-7-4 | 582111 | $4K | 19% | 41% | 53% | 20-1 |
3.Raimundo A (3) T: L. T J: I. Valdivia (134lbs) | - | 31: 7-7-8 | 215217 | $6.5K | 23% | 45% | 71% | 6-1 |
4.El Negro Tomas (4) T: L. A J: L. D (117lbs) | - | 39: 8-5-6 | 342577 | $4K | 21% | 33% | 49% | 12-1 |
5.Holandes Errante (5) T: L. A J: C. Ortega (126lbs) | - | 11: 1-4-1 | 292500 | $662 | 9% | 45% | 55% | N/A |
6.Seattle Snow (6) T: R. T J: J. Herrera (119lbs) | - | 12: 4-1-0 | 618621 | $6.8K | 33% | 42% | 42% | N/A |
7.Cuarto Menguante (7) T: J. M J: G. Rodriguez (130lbs) | - | 22: 4-6-3 | 132472 | $4.6K | 18% | 45% | 59% | 14-1 |
8.Forehand (8) T: R. T J: G. A (128lbs) | - | 23: 2-3-9 | 633323 | $3.3K | 9% | 22% | 61% | 33-1 |
9.Dale Toto (9) T: S. M J: N. Ramirez (134lbs) | - | 22: 3-2-5 | 804824 | $3.1K | 14% | 23% | 45% | 8-1 |
10.Dunhill Smoke (10) T: R. T J: I. Villagran (128lbs) | - | 18: 4-3-2 | 567145 | $5.6K | 22% | 39% | 50% | N/A |
11.Torque (11) T: W. D J: T. Seith (132lbs) | - | 14: 5-2-0 | 2x0090 | - | 36% | 50% | 50% | 2-1 |
12.Ghost Joke (12) T: J. J J: J. Medina (134lbs) | - | 11: 3-3-3 | 212231 | $6K | 27% | 55% | 82% | 14-1 |
R15 - Race 15 - Fredo
Past Performances
Horse (Post Pos) | Rating The official handicap rating for the horse. | Career The career record for the horse. Total starts: Wins, Places, Show. | Last 6 Result Finishing position for the horse’s last six races. | Prize Money Total prizemoney won by the horse. | Win The percentage of races that a horse has run in, that it has won. | Place The percentage of races that a horse has run in, that it has placed. | Show The percentage of races that a horse has run in, that it has showed. | Odds |
1.Tio Peppe (1) T: A. Norambuena J: C. Ortega (126lbs) | - | 30: 4-3-3 | 833844 | $3.2K | 13% | 23% | 33% | 14-1 |
2.Pollollo (2) T: A. Norambuena J: N. Ramirez (128lbs) | - | 35: 3-7-5 | 474920 | $1.8K | 9% | 29% | 43% | 8-1 |
3.Le Peintre (3) T: J. R J: G. Rodriguez (128lbs) | - | 41: 4-6-10 | 434661 | $3.5K | 10% | 24% | 49% | 20-1 |
4.Desprolijo (4) T: C. P J: B. Sancho (123lbs) | - | 18: 3-4-6 | 333263 | $2.7K | 17% | 39% | 72% | 20-1 |
5.Senor Seremi (5) T: W. R J: W. Quinteros (126lbs) | - | 35: 3-5-5 | 310032 | $3.8K | 9% | 23% | 37% | 6-1 |
6.Crisromane (6) T: S. M J: R. Fuenzalida (123lbs) | - | 20: 3-2-2 | 909055 | $2.4K | 15% | 25% | 35% | 16-1 |
7.Ophira (7) T: J. L J: M. A (128lbs) | - | 7: 1-0-0 | 601000 | $2.2K | 14% | 14% | 14% | N/A |
8.Cacique Campeon (8) T: G. I J: I. Valdivia (126lbs) | - | 32: 4-7-5 | 436688 | $2.8K | 13% | 34% | 50% | 8-1 |
9.Ascot Rain (9) T: S. M J: W. Leon (128lbs) | - | 41: 9-6-4 | 778710 | $3.1K | 22% | 37% | 46% | 8-1 |
10.Sweet Sundown (10) T: G. C J: G. A (128lbs) | - | 12: 2-1-0 | 705142 | $2K | 17% | 25% | 25% | N/A |
11.No Me Equivoque (11) T: C. P J: J. Herrera (128lbs) | - | 10: 2-1-0 | 905261 | $433 | 20% | 30% | 30% | N/A |
12.Bad Bunny (12) T: W. Ara J: J. Cueto (128lbs) | - | 11: 2-2-0 | 407890 | - | 18% | 36% | 36% | 6-1 |